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All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy
All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy

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Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” — Matthew 16:24

There is a craving in our world for realness. The buzzword “authentic” is a buzzword for a reason. We want the people we do life with to be authentic. We want the brands and movements we support to be authentic. We want the experiences and encounters we have to be what they are supposed to be.

But what about our faith? Living out a faith that is true and real in today’s world? It’s about being a follower. A Christ-follower.

Teach Follower and help your teens understand what real faith looks like and how to live it out.

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