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About YM360

So what does "youth ministry, full circle" really mean, anyway?

It's actually pretty simple... It's YM360's way of meeting the needs of youth workers. We believe all youth workers, regardless of church size, denomination, or level of experience have at least four specific needs in common. And we spend our time working to encourage and equip youth workers in these four unique areas.

Gospel-Centered Resources and Events

Gospel-Centered Resources and Events

Youth workers constantly search for biblically-based resources that work. This is why YM360 is committed to providing youth workers with an ever-expanding offering of Bible study resources and events that are innovative, creative, and relevant. From Sundays to Summer Camp and everywhere in between, YM360 has you covered.



Many youth workers find themselves grappling with the countless challenges of youth ministry. The support of a strong biblical community is invaluable. At YM360, we bring together a community of individuals who each share the call to minister to teenagers. We desire to see you connect to other great youth workers in-person through live events and online through social media. To view this in action, check out Youth Pastors Only, the YM360 Blog, and Instagram.



What youth workers want more than anything is to be effective ministers of the Gospel. To accomplish this, youth workers must always be growing in their “craft.” At YM360, we are committed to continually help by providing training for youth workers. A few ways we facilitate this is through a line of on-demand training and leadership development resources, training books designed for and by youth workers in the trenches, and a robust library of tools and training articles on the YM360 Blog. And we regularly engage in live training workshops and conferences. We are passionate about partnering with youth workers to help teenagers know Jesus and make Him known!



You need to feel like you're not doing youth ministry alone. One of our core values is that at YM360, "We Partner Purposefully." We lock arms with other youth ministry organizations that are serving teenagers and youth workers. We want youth workers to know there are a host of other people out there helping them along the way. At YM360, we shine the spotlight on our ministry friends, folks like 52Threads, Servant Life, Compassion International, and many more.

What We Believe


The Bible is God’s Word. It is His primary means of communicating His story of redemption and love to the world. God inspired men to write the Bible. As such, it is perfectly sufficient in guiding and instructing God’s children in every circumstance. God’s Word teaches us about His character, the history of His interaction in the affairs of humankind, and His eternal plan to redeem His children from their sin through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.

At YM360 we believe a solid understanding of the Bible is foundational for teenagers. Therefore, we are passionate about equipping youth workers to teach Scripture to their students.


God is the one, Supreme Being who rules over all creation. God exists in three persons, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each unique, yet without division. God is Creator, the author of all life. He is perfect in all His attributes. His glory is renowned. And God is immutable; He never changes. His people can take confidence in knowing God is, has always been, and will always be. His nature and character are eternal.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, shares the Father’s eternal nature. Yet, He took on physical form, being incarnated as a man, and dwelled on this earth, both fully God and fully human. God fulfilled His plan of grace, salvation, and redemption through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God at work in this world. The Spirit works within a person’s life to call them to salvation and subsequently indwells all who believe. The Spirit illuminates the truth of Scripture, empowers people to do the work of the Lord, convicts believers of sin and righteousness, and serves as a seal of the inheritance God has promised to all who believe.

At YM360 our desire is for teenagers to know all of God, personally and powerfully, and for this knowledge to have a dramatic impact on their lives.


The sin of humankind effectively puts a barrier between God and people. And Scripture is clear: the penalty for sin is death. But the Lord, in all His sovereignty, had a plan set in motion before time to provide a means by which the sin of humankind might be atoned for, thus providing salvation for people.

God’s ultimate expression of His desire to redeem humankind from their sin came in the form of His Son, Jesus. Through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross, we are made clean. In His mercy, God accepts Jesus’ payment on our behalf. And because of His great love for us, God has made salvation available to us by grace through faith. Salvation cannot be obtained by any other means. By professing faith in Christ, we are literally made new; our old self is put to death.

Ultimately, Christ will once again return to this earth, ushering in the reign of God over all humankind. Scripture tells us that Jesus will one day gather up His children to dwell with God forever in heaven, perfected and finally freed from the trappings of the World. When Christ does return, there will be a time of judgment where all those who rejected Christ will be condemned to eternal separation from Him, and all those who professed Christ as Lord will live in eternal communion with Him.

At YM360 our desire is to see teenagers come to faith in Christ and to grow in that faith.


We believe the Church, the global body of all who believe in Jesus Christ, is the primary expression of God’s work in this world. God has chosen the Church to be His hands and feet, spreading the news of the Gospel, ministering to those in need, and serving as a standard of holiness and righteousness in a fallen world.

At YM360, we exist to support the local church, particularly the men and women serving as youth workers or youth pastors within churches all across the country.


We believe all of Scripture clearly reflects God’s attitude towards the sick, the poor, the outcast…in essence, the “least of these.” In both the Old and New Testament, Scripture calls the children of God to be especially mindful of the poor and the destitute. Scripture attests that our salvation is evidenced by spiritual fruit. And some of the most meaningful fruit is to sacrificially give of one’s time, money, and talents in order to share the love of God with those who may be the most unloved. By doing so, God’s Kingdom is radically and dramatically furthered on this earth.

At YM360 we desire to see teenager’s live out their faith in ways that seek to minister to the poor, the lost, the sick, the outcast, and the downcast.

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    through Christ-centered and Gospel-driven resources and events as we help youth workers lead students to be passionate about the Way, the Word, and the world.

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    as we're deeply committed to the youth workers we serve.

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    as we believe in the next generation of Christ-followers and the people who lead them.

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    because we want to see teenagers know God and make Him known, everything we create -- a Bible study, GENERATE Camps, and so on -- is designed to lead students, and leaders like you, closer to Christ.

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    as we wake up each day ready to pitch-in and make life a little easier for youth workers.

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    with our greatest asset being our people, our team. A team that cares deeply about God's mission and serving youth workers.

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    as we believe we're stronger together than we are alone, so we partner strategically with youth workers, ministries, churches, and so on to help students come to know Christ and make Him known.