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All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy
All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy

Introducing youthministry360

It's our privilege to introduce you to youthministry360, a new youth ministry resource provider. At youthministry360 the focus is on two things . . .

  • We're committed to seeing spiritual transformation happen in the lives of teenagers as a result of a deepening understanding and application of God's Word . . .
  • And we are committed to you, the youth worker.

Our reason for existing is to provide youth workers with the best possible youth ministry resources available. We are committed to bringing you an ever-expanding line of creative, culturally relevant resources that are unashamedly Bible centered. We believe that a close relationship with God through His Word is the key to living effective, purposeful, and dynamic lives. And we believe teenagers are in a critical place in their lives to be able to capture and apply this incredible truth. But here's the key . . . We believe that you, the youth worker, is uniquely positioned to facilitate so much of the spiritual growth that happens in teenagers' lives. You are friend, mentor, teacher, and motivator and equipper of parents. Through your valuable place in the local church, you are the linchpin in a teenager's life. And we exist to support and equip you. We'll do this through what we call "youth ministry, full circle." This is fleshed out in a number of places, but in a nutshell it means we'll serve you in these ways:

  • Bible Resources--We'll bring you an ever-expanding offering of Bible Study Resources that are innovative, creative, and relevant.
  • Training--We'll provide training by bringing to the table the voices of experienced youth ministers and youth ministry leaders.
  • Community--We'll help you connect to a community of other great youth workers through our social networks, special promotions, and events.
  • Networking--We'll use social media to help you network with other ministries in order to show you the best of what's out there.

More than anything, we want to know you. We want to know your needs. We want to rejoice in your successes and pray for you in your struggles. We want to equip you with resources other people aren't providing. And we want you to help our community, your community, grow through your thoughts and experience. We're youthministry360. Glad to meet you.

Connecting With Us Is Easy. Here's How:

  • Look around the different categories on the blog: Training, Networking, Bible Stuff, Just For Fun, and Trends & Culture. This is how we'll be serving you. Let us know what you think.
  • Share your thoughts! This site exists for you to minister to the community of youth workers youthministry360 serves. Challenge others with your thoughts and experience.
  • Let us keep up with you through social media. Follow us on Twitter, join our Facebook page, and check us out on Youtube. We'll return the favor!
  • By the way, if you haven't already, take a minute and check out our homepage. Watch the video, read about what we believe, and get a feel for the types of resources we will be providing.

We look forward to getting to know you and serve you. Let us know how we can specifically serve you as we move forward.

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