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Hurry, take advantage of the Spooky Awesome Sale! Now through 10/31 at 11:59 PM CT! You get 40% OFF nearly everything in the YM360 store. Don't wait because these deals will be gone SCARY FAST!


A Fall Resource Sale from YM360

  • Before It Was A Movie


    Some of the greatest movies were books first, and other epic films were original but then launched a book series. You get to guess at which is which in this fun game. Play in teams or have two students face-off!

  • Did / Didn't: Christmas Edition


    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! So why not take a moment to help your group see what it does and doesn’t have in common when it comes to the holidays? Get them moving as they share by shifting from one side of the room to the other (or raise their left hand or right hand, if you have a big group) as they indicate if they “DID” or “DIDN’T” do it!

  • Give Me 5: V.2


    You will face off against one other tribe member and will be asked to name 5 things of a given category. If you know the answer, grab the timer and flip it. You will have until time runs out to give all 5 correct answers. If you are wrong or too slow your opponent will have a chance to steal. First tribe to 4 points wins.

    Game includes: Title slide, rules, and 20 games slides

  • Flip Board


    Flip Board is a fantastic tool that lets you display text on the screen in a cool flip board style! This is perfect to display trivia, names, prizes, pretty much anything you can think of! You can create unlimited panels and cycle through them! Each time you go to a new panel, the whole board does a fun flip animation! 

  • Famous Friends


    Can your students name some famous friends, be it from real life, fiction or history? See who can be the first to correctly figure out who the famous friends are. The faster a player locks in an answer, the more points he or she can win or lose.

  • That's The Worst: Volume 1


    Sometimes it’s a question of “better” versus “best” but “worse” or the “worst.” Get your students talking or moving by either having them walk from one side of the room to the other, or by inviting up a student to represent each side of the argument. You can even do both, having the two students present their cases and then having other students respond by moving or raising their hands to vote!

  • Higher Lower


    Higher Lower is the epitome of a simple, no-setup, re-playable game that's a ton of fun. It's literally your classic, "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100" game with an awesome screen element that makes it even better. Have a student guess the number in your head before the timer runs out. All you have to do is hit the arrow keys on the keyboard to show if your number is higher or lower. It's a great game when you're in a pinch and didn't plan a game :) 

  • Freeze Dance


    We all know how to play a freeze dance game. Play some music and everyone has to dance. The second the music stops, everyone has to freeze in place. Anyone moving is out. The fun part about this version is that you can speed up and slow down the music as well! Just select an MP3 of the song you want to use and a traffic light will appear on the screen. Green plays the music at normal speed. Red pauses it. Yellow slows it down. When all three are on, the song plays twice as fast! 

  • Four Square


    Four Square is a children’s ministry version of one of our most popular games, Kill Square. It gets everyone up and moving, having fun, and laughing. This game takes a little bit of preparation but your kids are going to love it. It’s easy to understand and students on with any physical or mental status can participate. 

  • Fancy Egg


    How do we explain this… Fancy Egg is a game for intellectuals only. Behind the curtain is either a boring, run of the mill, normal egg… or it’s the fanciest egg you’ve ever laid your eyes upon complete with a top hat and bow tie. In reality, it’s a dumb and simple game, but super funny. Just have students guess which egg is behind the curtain, then hold the spacebar to reveal the answer. You can even change the odds of it being the fancy egg to make things more interesting! 

  • Bomb Timer


    This is a timer with a dramatic effect. This is a blind timer, which means it works like hot potato or musical chairs. Students can never be sure when it's going to go off.

    You can set it to be a certain amount of time, or you can make it random. When you start the timer, the wick lights and begins to work its way down the fuse. In the end, it does what bombs do... boom!

  • Be Mine


    This is your new go-to Valentine's game. Students dig through bowls of heart candies, to find the one that matches the heart on the screen. You enter the candy phrase, so this game is brand agnostic and completely customizable. 

    Have your hand on the screen pull a heart candy from the bowl and watch as your students go nuts! The first student to bring you that candy, wins the round. Have fun!
