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Hours of planning, researching, and crafting go into any sermon that you give, but it is hard to find the time some weeks to get it all done. You love the feeling of satisfaction of preaching YOUR OWN sermon, but some weeks, the time planning might not match up with the level at which your students are engaged. Your students deserve to hear an engaging sermon from their youth pastor who loves them. And you need to put more time back into your schedule to focus on your students, your team, and your ministry.


As a youth worker, you wear many hats. One of those includes you being a game creator or game master. Luckily for you, YM360 has you covered with new games weekly.

Classic Games

Fun, simple, and can be bought in bulk! Load it into your presentation software and go, go, go. These are "one outcome games, so they cannot be played over and over again.

Premium Games

These games function more like an App and allow you to control the outcomes from a dashboard. It's a great way to play games your students love over and over again.

G4YM Membership

A One-time $50 CREDIT to use on any classic or premium game, you instantly get your first year membership back plus some. 50% off additional games purchased during your G4YM Membership.

Mid-Week Resources

  • Rock Paper Scissors


    Rock, Paper, Scissors is exactly what is sounds like! It's a great game to play with all of your students. Just have everyone pick a hand, then let the app pick one at random... or cheat and force it to land on the hand that you want! Watch the walk-through video below to see it in action! 

  • Red vs Blue


    Who doesn't need a Red vs Blue scoreboard? This is the perfect way to keep score between opposing players, teams, or entire sections of the crowd. If you use any kind of "versus" game in your youth ministry, Red vs Blue is exactly what you need on screen. It requires no setup and just uses a few buttons to control the scores! 

  • Raffle Tickets


    Here’s why the normal way of using raffle tickets isn’t the best. When you give someone a raffle ticket, you tear off the bottom ticket and hand them the top one. At the end of the event, you reach into a hat filled with bottom tickets and pull one out. The problem is that not every bottom ticket makes it to the hat, especially if you have multiple volunteers handing out tickets. This app fixes that! 

  • Pumpkin Drop


    Pumpkin Drop is a super spooky Halloween version of one of our favorite games, Donut Drop. Just have a student yell, "Drop!" and watch as their pumpkin bounces through the pegs and hopefully lands in one of five boxes on the floor. The coolest part about this game is that you can hit a button that completely slows down time in the game! This is perfect for those moments when it looks like the pumpkin is about to fall into a box. Just hit the button and everything runs in slow motion! It's a ton of fun! 

  • Prize Wheel


    The Prize Wheel is one of our favorite apps. It’s a great way to bring up the energy in the room. It takes very little setup and is always a winner. You can set up as many slots as you want. You can even set the size and color of the slot! The best part is, you can change the slots on the fly! If you need to change, "20 pushups" to be 80% of the wheel just before the spin it... you can do that! 

  • Prize Boxes


    Prize Boxes is a quick and simple way to give out prizes to the students in your youth group!. All you need to do is add pictures into the settings and the game will take care of the rest! You can have it randomly select a box, or you can have a student pick the one they want to open. What’s inside? You decide! You can add as many prizes as you’d like and the game will update the number of boxes on the screen! 

  • Pose This Way


    Pose This Way is a crowd favorite that doesn’t require any setup. The screen will flash 6 different poses (The Pray, The No Way, The Whey, The Oh Hey, The Hooray, and The Chipotle). Everyone has to stand up and make one of the poses where they’re standing. If the game stops on the pose that a student is doing, they have to sit down. Just keep eliminating students until there’s only one left! 

  • Popcorn


    It’s nice to have a game that doesn’t take a lot of explaining beforehand and is simple to run. That’s why we have Pig Scoreboard. Most people have played at least one game of PIG, even in the olden times: “Thee hast error thine own shot. Thou art now adorn with P-I-G.” 

  • Pig Scoreboard


    It’s nice to have a game that doesn’t take a lot of explaining beforehand and is simple to run. That’s why we have Pig Scoreboard. Most people have played at least one game of PIG, even in the olden times: “Thee hast error thine own shot. Thou art now adorn with P-I-G.” 

  • Out of 10


    Out of 10 gives best friends a chance to prove how well they know each other! One friend is blindfolded while the other can see the screen. A number will be chosen at random (ie 4 out of 10) and the friend who can see has to give the other examples of things they think they would give that rating. For example, if you have to get your friend to guess 8 out of 10 and you know they love sushi, you’d say something, “We’re getting sushi and there’s a 20 minute wait.” If they guess the correct rating, you get a point! 

  • One of Each


    One of Each is a fast-paced game that has students taking turns calling out items in a given category without repeating the same first letter. Each time an item is called out, you just enter its first letter on your keyboard and it’s taken off the board. If that letter is entered again, you’ll hear a buzz and that student is out! 

  • Name in a Box


    Name in a Box is exactly what it sounds like! You can enter as many names, prizes, challenges, verses, etc into the dashboard and a really long arm will randomly select one at a time from the box! It's painfully simple, but that's the point! It's a really easy way to pick a student for a game or to pick prizes. 

  • Murica


    Monster Match is the best middle school game for getting the sillies out. We created it specifically for goofy middle school students and youth workers who occasionally behave like middle schoolers. It’s guaranteed to get your peeps laughing and having a good time. 

  • Look Out


    Look Out is a fast-paced game that challenges student to look in the opposite director of the eye on the screen, or they're out! This is one of those games that works perfectly for contestants and the whole crowd alike. Just count down, "Three, two, one!" much like "Rock, Paper, Scissors". Everyone needs to quickly snap their heads either left or right and hope they don’t match the eye on the screen! If you want to make things even more challenging, you can add up and down to the list! 

  • Llama Llamalong


    Llama Llamalong is a fun take on the classic “Simon®” game but with llamas! It’s simple to start and difficult to keep going. Also, did we mention it’s a no-prep youth group game and becomes more fun the more your youth group plays it? Llama Llamalong is the most fun to play when your youth group has a weekly Llama Llamalong Champion. Each week, bring a student up to beat the highest score. If they do it, they become the new champ until someone beats their score. 

  • Linked Out


    This crowd game gets everyone up and out of their seat. No preparation is necessary. Just tell you students to get ready to move around and make new friends. Everyone has to link arms in groups of up to six people. If the board lands on the number of people in your group, you're out! It's a fun, fast, and amazing (fantastic would have probably fit better there, but I already committed to amazing). 

  • Lie Detector


    Sometimes it’s fun to mess with people! Just hook a student or volunteer up to... anything... it's fake. Turn on the Lie Detector and start asking questions! You can control when the lie detector says they're telling the truth or a lie. It's hilarious and a ton of fun! 

  • Knock Knock


    Knock Knock lets you upload photos of your students, volunteers, staff, etc and hide them behind doors. Then, the doors swap! You students either have to keep an eye on someone and guess which door they’re behind, or they have to guess the order of everyone! You can have as many doors as you want! The included Head Maker in the dashboard helps you create heads from images quickly! 

  • Kill Square 2.0


    KillSquare 2.0 is the next iteration of one of our most popular games… KillSquare! Here’s how it works: Clear out your youth room and tape down 4 large colored squares. Tell your students to get into a square. Then KillSquare 2.0 will randomly pick a square to eliminate! Everyone has a few seconds to rush into another square before the next random one is hit! Keep doing this until there is one person standing! It’s fast-paced, easy to set up, and something you can play again and again! 
