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  • [Video Training] Bags: Helping Students Lighten The Load


    As our students go through life, they encounter people and situations that lead them to pack and carry some enormous emotional baggage that holds them back from living in the grace and freedom that Christ provides. As youth pastors, we are in a unique position to help both students and their parents "lighten the load" along the way. In these training sessions, we will look at eight specific bags kids tend to pack as they grow up, how these bags tend to get packed, and the long-lasting negative impacts they can have. Each session will offer practical strategies we can use and equip parents to employ to leverage their influence and prevent some of these bags from getting packed in the first place.

  • [Video Training] C.R.A.M.: Time Management Of Getting It All Done Each Week


    Youth ministry never stops! Every new student, new family, new volunteer, or new ground taken in your ministry starts a new plate spinning. Not to mention all the added responsibilities that, for some reason, didn't seem to make it on your pre-hire job description. Before you know it, your potential success in youth ministry can be overtaken or completely undermined by your inability to get it all done. In this two-session masterclass, you'll learn how to take the reins of your time and personal management by implementing the C.R.A.M. strategy.

  • [Video Training] 12 Tips On Developing Your Volunteer Leader Team


    Youth ministry leaders, hear me out. Recruiting, training, developing, equipping, and retaining volunteer leaders is critical to the success of your ministry. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that your level of success or failure in the areas of building and developing your volunteer leaders will be directly proportional to the success or failure of your ministry's growth and impact. Yes, volunteer leaders matter that much! You may think that you are Superman or that you can be a one-man band, but a reality check says you are not, and you can’t. No matter how great and charismatic of a leader you are, without great, bought-in, equipped, passionate volunteer leaders, you and your ministry are going to struggle and wither in effectiveness. But if you can surround yourself with a team of great volunteer leaders, the sky is the limit because those leaders have the potential to have an even greater impact on how your ministry runs and the effectiveness that it has in ministering to students. With that in mind, here are 12 tips on developing your volunteer leader team.

  • [Video Training] 4 Key Areas For Preaching & Sermon Prep


    One of the greatest privileges and most important things we do as youth ministry leaders is to communicate, teach, and proclaim God's Word to teenagers. It is critical that we honor that Holy privilege by putting in the time, effort, and study as we prepare. In this training session, we will do a deep dive into sermon prep and uncover what I believe to be four key areas in our preaching and sermon prep.

  • [Video Training] Building A Volunteer Team Structure


    So, you’ve got a volunteer team- that’s awesome! Have you ever considered structuring that team to provide clarity, fruitfulness, and fulfillment for those who serve with you? The idea of structure can feel intimidating or unnecessary, but a few key considerations could unlock the potential in the team of motivated volunteers you’ve already got. In this single-session Masterclass, we will look at what you can do to structure your volunteer team to ensure that they thrive in their key serving roles.

  • [Video Training] Building Screen Smart Parents In Your Ministry


    Technology is one of the most frustrating and confusing issues parents in your church are trying to navigate regarding their teenagers. They spend countless days and nights feeling overwhelmed, under-equipped, and completely outmanned when it comes to knowing how to respond to screens. This MYM Live Online Training Event is not the typical “technology is evil, so let’s run from it and teach parents to do the same.“ Instead, technology and parenting expert Brian Housman is here to provide you, as a youth ministry leader, with some practical steps and prudent boundaries regarding technology so that you can educate and equip the parents in your church on leading and loving their students through setting healthy boundaries with screens without using shame or blame.

  • [Video Training] Avoiding the Winter Blues of Volunteerism this Brand New Year


    As a growing and thriving youth ministry leader, you know that the health of your ministry is directly connected to the health of your volunteers. But January is a natural time for your volunteers to start slumping slightly. How can you, as a ministry leader, encourage them to remain committed to the mission of Jesus? How can you, yourself, go from surviving the winter/spring semester to thriving? In this two-session Masterclass video, we will look at three key shifts leaders should take this January to remain hope-filled, give you three tips to help your volunteers stay motivated, offer three offbeat ideas to ensure that you remain healthy/motivated, learn three things that every volunteer needs from you, and discover how you can prepare yourself to be ready to ride the natural wave of momentum that is available to almost all of us in the summer and fall.

  • [Video Training] Budget Planning


    Do you want to get on the good side of your finance committee? Are you tired of coming back from camp or D’Now Weekend celebrating incredible spiritual highs, only to be scared to face the incredible lows of having a meeting about all the money that you’ve spent? Are you ready to never go over budget again? In this two-session Masterclass, we dive deep into the essential aspects of mastering your youth ministry finances. In session one, we will explore the art of planning and navigating a solid operating budget, discover the power of operating out of your church’s purpose, and enable you to take complete control of your financial situation and get the most out of the budget you’ve been given. In session two, I will share the principles behind a solid budgeting technique and my sure-fire negotiating tactics that will save you money on those trips/camps. Oh, and I’m also giving you my “Ultimate Trip Calculator” (100% FREE) so you’ll never blow out your budget again.

  • [Video Training] Building A Relationship With Your Senior Pastor


    Hey student ministry leader, how is your relationship with your senior pastor? No, really. This is an honest and completely serious question. How is the relationship between you and your senior pastor? Are you cordial? Are you on mission together? Are you distant? Are you close? Are you at odds with one another? Do you trust them? Do they trust you? Maybe a more important and impactful question would be this: What are you doing to build the relationship between you and your senior pastor? In this single-session Masterclass video, I want to provide you with nine thoughts on how you can build a healthy and fruitful relationship with your senior pastor.

  • [Video Training] Planning & Programming a Fall Retreat


    As school returns, the summer heat begins to fade, and another ministry year starts to ramp up, two things are on the minds of a majority of youth pastors: 

    1) Oh no, is Halloween on a Wednesday this year? 
    2) I need to plan the Fall Retreat! Planning retreats are often daunting as they require attention to detail across many different areas simultaneously. 

    This masterclass series in planning and programming a fall retreat will walk through everything you need to get right with creativity and programming, the questions you need to ask and answer about logistics, and will help you eliminate the potential pitfalls so many make when planning. 

  • [Video Training] When To Leave, Leaving Well, & Things To Ask Before Saying Yes To The Next


    No youth pastor takes a ministry role expecting things to go poorly or with an internal time clock of when they know that God will call them to something new. But inevitably, it happens. Something changes. Something goes wrong. Something happens outside of your control but impacts you, your ministry, or your family. Maybe something goes particularly right. Or God, in His perfect timing and will, moves you on or over to something else. In this masterclass, we will look at when to leave, how to leave well, and the things you need to thoroughly investigate/ask before saying yes to your "next."

  • [Video Training] Self Leadership


    It has been said that leaders have the power to change or affect the lives of others, and therefore, leadership is sacred work. If this is true of leadership in general, it must be infinitely more true for ministry leaders. But how can we expect to participate in this sacred work of leading others if we are incapable or sorely lacking when it comes to the ability to lead ourselves well? In this two-part master class, we are going to look at six big areas of self-leadership—self-discipline, health, time management, saying no, boundaries, family first—and all the things that we struggle with that make up these six areas. These two sessions will offer tips, suggestions, and things for you to consider about self-leadership. But most importantly, they will cause you to ask some hard questions of yourself about the way you lead yourself and consider how those choices impact everyone/everything around you.

  • [Video Training] Communication Strategies For A New & Shifting World


    If you desire to be an effective youth ministry leader, effective communication is a skill set that has to be mastered. This On-Demand Masterclass will do a deep dive into helping you build a more effective communication strategy by identifying your audiences, exploring a central hub model, and generally upping your communication game with students, parents, and volunteers in your ministry.

  • [Video Training] Seven Things You Need To Get Right This Year So You Don't Get Fired Next Year


    Have you ever heard of the saying, "Do it right or do it over?" Flying by the seat of your pants and surviving in ministry due to the grace of the do-over is a typical caricature of a youth ministry leader. However, no matter how charismatic the personality of the ministry leader is, there comes a time when second chances run out, and your misteps lead to your termination. This is especially true with errors and oversites in the areas of organization, communication, systems, wisdom, conflict resolution, and change. But there is another way. In this On-Demand Masterclass, we will look at seven critical aspects of ministry that you really need to get right this year so that you can lead, grow, thrive--and still be employed—in the next year.

  • [Video Training] Recruiting & Developing Student Leadership


    I once heard it said that youth leaders should spend 1/3 of our time reaching and discipling students, 1/3 of our time developing leaders, and 1/3 of our time equipping parents. This is a great model and a healthy approach to youth ministry. But what if leadership development was an intensional part of your discipleship process? What if, as we were making student leaders, we were simultaneously training them to be disciples who make disciples? This is a one-session master class on how to engage, equip, and empower your students to do that very thing.

  • [Video Training] Developing A Discipleship Pathway For Your Ministry


    Any New Orleans chef worth his roux would tell you that a truly delicious gumbo isn't just about one specific ingredient but is instead a masterful combination of different select ingredients that, when blended together, create an explosion of flavor. Likewise, as leaders in youth ministry, we are called to make disciples. To accomplish this Sacred task, we have to get into the kitchen and build the recipe ingredients that, when mixed together, not only lead students in our particular ministry contexts to come to faith in Jesus Christ but also guides and supports each of them as they grow in relationship with Him. In these sessions together, we will look at seven key ingredients to providing your students with a discipleship strategy or pathway that does just that.

  • [Video Training] Spiritual Disciplines: Walking With Christ


    As someone called to youth ministry, you're passionate about discipling teenagers. You're passionate about pouring into students and their families. You love the work you do with youth and the local church. You spend countless hours and sacrifice much to live out that calling and that passion. However, sometimes in the living out of that passion and calling, we find ourselves pouring out more than we are filling up. Sometimes we can find ourselves beginning to waver in our walk with the Lord. So in this training, we're going to be taking a look at some of those spiritual disciplines we need to be regularly practicing to be filled and renewed as we live our ministry calling. In session one, we will cover the inward disciplines of prayer, study, fasting, and meditation. In session two, we will cover the outward disciplines of servanthood and simplicity, solitude, and submission. Lastly, in session three, we will walk through the corporate disciplines of worship, celebration, guidance, and confession.

  • [Video Training] Developing Your Team To Serve


    You have a group of dedicated volunteers. They show up when they are supposed to, and they do what is asked of them. . .for the most part. But how do you develop that group to serve others well? How do you motivate them to approach serving teenagers as more than just being dutiful to the Lord? How do you lead, train, and support that group so that they go from a "group of individuals" to a team? Join Dr. Jody Dean in this two-session Masterclass on-demand to hear how he's training students at New Orleans Baptist Seminary to develop a team that serves.

  • [Video Training] Eleven Tips To Keep Your Soul Healthy While In Ministry


    As a youth ministry leader, it's so easy to get focused on all the things (preaching, recruiting, training, partnering with parents, event planning, meetings, etc.) that we can neglect the most important thing; the state of our own souls. We are called to minister out of the overflow of our own hearts. Instead, we often find ourselves ministering out of the overflow of our own exhaustion, frustration, and emptiness. This is not sustainable or healthy ministry! So in this On-Demand Masterclass, let's talk through 11 tips to keep your soul healthy while leading a youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] Caring For Your Staff Team


    Nobody in ministry does it alone; we need volunteers, parents, students, and staff around us. While a staff team is not a guarantee in every youth ministry context, if and when you end up leading a staff team (or a volunteer team), they are worth taking care of. What are some things you need to consider when it comes to leading, growing, and caring for your staff? Let's talk about it.

  • [Video Training] Preteen/Middle School Ministry 101


    Ministry to a middle school audience is challenging and extremely rewarding. This is the phase of life where questions are being asked, doubts are being processed, and brains are being hard-wired. In these three training sessions, Kevin and Ethan will dispel some of the myths and stigmas that come with working with middle schoolers, and they will walk you through some ways to fully lean into your middle school students.

  • [Video Training] Recruiting & Maintaining Volunteers


    No matter how good your youth ministry is, people will be more prone to come on board, stay, serve selflessly, and recruit others to join when they feel like they belong to a group of people; rather than feeling like just someone who is accomplishing some random mission and vision. So how do you build clear expectations, space, relationships, and community when it comes to recruiting and maintaining volunteers? Join me in this one-session Masterclass on-demand to find out.

  • [Video Training] Preaching The Bible In A Changing Culture


    Our world has changed. The pandemic has reshaped every aspect of our culture, including the rhythms surrounding our faith. When preaching the Bible to teenagers, some best-practices are timeless and unchanging. And there are also new variables that must be considered. In this session, Andy will walk youth ministry leaders through the non-negotiables of effectively preaching the Word to students in a culture that is radically changing around us.
