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  • [5 Lesson Course] Operate In Strength & Defend Weaknesses In Your Ministry


    Youth ministry changes quickly depending on what's going on in the church, what's happening in the culture, the makeup of the current students involved in the ministry, and literally hundreds of other factors. These changes often go unnoticed because we, as youth ministry leaders, are too busy or assume nothing has changed. If we don't take a step back and assess our ministry, we are in danger of becoming less effective in our reach and discipleship. Having recently stepped into a couple of new ministry environments, each with its own unique contexts, I learned just how much value there is in the ability to quickly and accurately assess each context. With my degree in business combined with a fair amount of youth ministry experience, it occurred to me that the ability to perform a SWOT analysis could be a real game-changer for youth ministry leaders. So, in this five-lesson module, I will break down a SWOT analysis for you and discuss how to apply it to your youth ministry. 

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Leading Up & To The Side


    It's been said that one of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to be a leader. Unfortunately, as a youth pastor, odds are you find yourself leading from the second chair (if you have a chair at the table at all). So how do you lead well, serve with great integrity, and be an influential presence from your youth ministry seat? Here's how I do it at my church.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] How To Create Social Media For A Week In Only One Hour


    Effectively utilizing social media to communicate and engage your students can feel completely overwhelming. Even if you are a somewhat tech-savvy youth pastor, social media posting can quickly become yet another unchecked box on an ever-growing to-do list that you will never get through this week. What if you could eliminate those feelings of being overwhelmed or frustrated by learning to create and schedule an entire week's worth of social media in only one hour? Let me show you how I do it in my ministry.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] How You Can Win The Hearts Of Parents


    Partnering with parents doesn't have to be rocket science. Sure, your steps towards a partnership need to be thoughtful, but they can also be as simple as they are purposeful. For example, here's a little secret that isn't that much of a secret at all: Parents love people who love their kids. Let me share with you some ways that I take some first steps towards a partnership with parents in my ministry by intentionally encouraging parents along the way.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] What Every Parent Email Should Contain


    Do you want to be respected as a youth ministry leader? Do you desire to not only partner with parents but be trusted by them as well? There is one essential element that will act as a master key to opening all three of these doors. That key element is excellent communication. From content to consistency to conciseness, let me walk you through the things I have found in my ministry that are essential for every parent email.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Parenting With Parents Through A Student's Sin


    As youth workers, we know full well that "...all have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God...." (Romans 3:23 ESV). But one of the more difficult parts of youth ministry, in a practical sense, is how we walk alongside a teenager and their parents when that teenager has been caught in sin. Allow me to share with you four practical ways we partner with parents through a student's sin in our ministry.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Neon Nerf Night


    There is nothing like the honor and blessing it is when, as youth pastors, we get a front-row seat to watch God moving and working in the life of a teenager. One of the best moments is talking with a student about their decision to follow Jesus and follow through with being baptized. It's amazing and humbling at the same time. But the logistics of it all can also be a little intimidating. How does that process work in your ministry? Are you intentional in this pre-baptism meeting to walk a student through what baptism is, what baptism isn't, how it works, why we do it, and even what needs to come after? Are you making an effort to involve the parents in this entire process? Allow me the opportunity to share with you how we do one-on-one baptism meetings with students at our church. There's even a downloadable baptism meeting guide and checklist for you to adjust to fit your ministry context.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Make Some Slime


    If you are like me, you spent your childhood years watching Nickelodeon and people getting slimed. Whether you were growing up during the time of You Can't Do That On Television, Double Dare, Family Double Dare, Figure It Out, or over the last 21 years of the Kid's Choice Awards, you know that the famous green slime made it cool and made you wish it was you getting slimed. In my ministry, we give adults and students alike the ability to live out that slime-coated dream. Let me tell you how we do it.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] How To Building Trust & Relationships With Parents


    One of the things that I learned very early in my years in youth ministry was that the ministry I was doing WITH my students was about a lot more than just the ministry I was doing FOR my students. No middle schooler and less than half of the high schoolers who participate in your ministry actually get to your ministry events or activities on their own. And pretty close to 0% of your students pay for your ministry's camps, retreats, lock-ins, or other events. Parents are essential. And your ability as a youth pastor to earn the trust, respect, and buy-in of parents can quickly make or break your ministry's reach and impact. That's why I want to share three "must-do's" if you want to build trust and relationships with parents.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] How & Why We Do An All-Nighter Every Year


    In most youth ministries and with most youth pastors, saying the words "All-Nighter" is equivalent to speaking the name of Voldemort; you just don't do it. But what if I told you that a well-planned, well-placed, and well-thought-through All-Nighter could become a favorite (and valuable part) of your ministry year? Let me show you how and why we do an annual All-Nighter in our ministry.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] The Dos & Dont's Of Having An Intern


    Every Youth Pastor longs for dedicated help, an extra pair of boots on the ground to assist you in reaching, leading, and discipling teenagers. But are you and your church really ready for a youth ministry intern? Do you have a plan in place for training them up to do the work of ministry? Having served as an intern in multiple churches, I've seen firsthand the good, the bad, and the ugly of internships. So, let me share with you some important do's and don'ts of bringing on a youth ministry intern.

  • [Video Training] Bags: Helping Students Lighten The Load


    As our students go through life, they encounter people and situations that lead them to pack and carry some enormous emotional baggage that holds them back from living in the grace and freedom that Christ provides. As youth pastors, we are in a unique position to help both students and their parents "lighten the load" along the way. In these training sessions, we will look at eight specific bags kids tend to pack as they grow up, how these bags tend to get packed, and the long-lasting negative impacts they can have. Each session will offer practical strategies we can use and equip parents to employ to leverage their influence and prevent some of these bags from getting packed in the first place.

  • [Video Training] C.R.A.M.: Time Management Of Getting It All Done Each Week


    Youth ministry never stops! Every new student, new family, new volunteer, or new ground taken in your ministry starts a new plate spinning. Not to mention all the added responsibilities that, for some reason, didn't seem to make it on your pre-hire job description. Before you know it, your potential success in youth ministry can be overtaken or completely undermined by your inability to get it all done. In this two-session masterclass, you'll learn how to take the reins of your time and personal management by implementing the C.R.A.M. strategy.

  • [Video Training] 12 Tips On Developing Your Volunteer Leader Team


    Youth ministry leaders, hear me out. Recruiting, training, developing, equipping, and retaining volunteer leaders is critical to the success of your ministry. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that your level of success or failure in the areas of building and developing your volunteer leaders will be directly proportional to the success or failure of your ministry's growth and impact. Yes, volunteer leaders matter that much! You may think that you are Superman or that you can be a one-man band, but a reality check says you are not, and you can’t. No matter how great and charismatic of a leader you are, without great, bought-in, equipped, passionate volunteer leaders, you and your ministry are going to struggle and wither in effectiveness. But if you can surround yourself with a team of great volunteer leaders, the sky is the limit because those leaders have the potential to have an even greater impact on how your ministry runs and the effectiveness that it has in ministering to students. With that in mind, here are 12 tips on developing your volunteer leader team.

  • [Video Training] 4 Key Areas For Preaching & Sermon Prep


    One of the greatest privileges and most important things we do as youth ministry leaders is to communicate, teach, and proclaim God's Word to teenagers. It is critical that we honor that Holy privilege by putting in the time, effort, and study as we prepare. In this training session, we will do a deep dive into sermon prep and uncover what I believe to be four key areas in our preaching and sermon prep.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Tribal Wars!


    Are you looking for an annual student ministry event that engages your small groups or Sunday School classes in a multi-week competition? What if I told you that there was a way to have that AND it be something that your students would look forward to and included creativity, Bible memorization, giving, and outreach? Let me tell you about Tribal Wars!

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] The Top Three Things Every Volunteer Leader Needs To Understand


    Recruiting and developing ministry volunteers is an essential part of leading in youth ministry. As youth workers, we often spend so much time and effort trying to get people to say "yes" to serving that we don't spend the time required to make sure they understand how to be successful in their serving role. This is especially true when it comes to our small group leaders or Sunday School teachers. So, what are the top three things your volunteer leaders need to understand? As you think about it, let me share mine with you.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Resourcing, Communicating, & Connecting With Parents


    Every youth pastor knows that the success and lasting impact of your ministry requires more than you being "great with students." If you aren't resourcing, connecting, and communicating well with parents, then your ministry isn't reaching its full potential. Let me share with you some ways we have implemented in our ministry to resource parents, connect with parents, and communicate well with parents.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] How To Be Intentional Connecting Kid's Ministry To Youth Ministry


    Are you looking for some ways to be a team player, increase the serving opportunities for your students, connect with the kids/parents who be your future ministry audience, and grow your ministry in the process? Let me show you how our ministry has learned to be intentional with connecting children's ministry to youth ministry.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Welcoming First Time Guests


    Every youth pastor is excited to have first-time guests checking out the youth ministry. The question is, are you ready for them when they arrive? When a first-time guest shows up at your ministry's front door, does it look like you were expecting them, or does it look more like you are surprised they came? Let me share with you some ways we are intentional in welcoming first-time guests to our ministry area.
