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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Reduce Burnout & Create a More Effective Ministry

Reduce Burnout & Create a More Effective Ministry

Burnout is a real threat to youth workers, especially those in bi-vocational or volunteer roles. But delegation is one way we can dramatically decrease our risk of burnout, as well as giving others the chance to become more involved in ministry.

Here are 5 tips for becoming more adept at delegating.

1. Two is always better than one and 72 is even better.
Some days delegating can feel like more trouble than it’s worth. However, by delegating, you have a chance to dramatically expand the impact of your ministry. Luke 10:1 it says “The Lord now chose seventy-two disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit.” That’s some pretty impressive delegation, and it had an impact on the spiritual growth of the disciples.

As you delegate, others are growing in responsibility and ability. The stronger your leaders, the more opportunities they have to expand your ministry. As your ministry leadership expands, the more students that can be reached and ministered to. By not delegating, you place a heavy burden on yourself. This burden can become so overwhelming that it can cause you to give up, lower your goals and even your health can suffer. I urge you to please let go.

2. Delegation helps other leaders take ownership.
When you truly delegate to others and give them ownership, you begin to see adult leaders, as well as student leaders, begin to buy into your vision for ministry. It can be a challenge to let go, but as leaders buy in they become more than people who check a box by attending a service or teach a class; they begin to be people who care as much about your vision as you do.

3. It encourages open communication and trust.
As you delegate to your leaders, if you are open for questions and suggestions, you can build a relationship that you trust with them and that you are readily accessible. If your leaders begin to feel like there is a mutual trust they will begin to bring more energy and ideas to your ministry. Please remember it takes a secure person to delegate and to be open to accepting ideas from others. However, it can be very helpful, and it can free up some of your time, as well as take burdens off of you.

4. It will bring a team approach to ministry as well as team success.
A true team is where everyone is putting a greater goal ahead of their own recognition creates a healthy environment. It lets your leaders work for a common goal where they see their self as part of the success and empowers them for the next season of ministry. It also allows them to share in some of the heartache helping you from feeling like you are in ministry alone.

5. It keeps you from spreading yourself too thin.
Having too much on your plate is not only challenging for you, it can be disastrous for your leaders. When we refuse to share our ministry with others we begin to isolate ourselves and be less than the leaders we are called to be. When we have the feeling of being all alone burnout and leading from a negative mindset will soon follow.
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