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Youth Ministry Curriculum and Resources

YM360 is committed to providing an ever-expanding offering of Youth Ministry Resources including Bible Study Curriculum, Midweek Teaching Series, Games for Youth Ministry, and Student Camps designed to help youth pastors disciple students.
  • Golgotha: Stories of Redemption at the Cross


    This series, Golgotha, invites students to explore powerful stories of those who encountered Jesus during His crucifixion and resurrection. In this series, students will wrestle with their own response to the Cross as they look at themes of faith, surrender, restoration, and doubt. This series will show students that the Cross is more than just a historical event. It’s a personal invitation to follow Jesus with their whole lives.

  • A Song of Hope


    A Song of Hope: Discovering Our Hope in Christ Through the Story of His Birth is a four-session sermon series focused on exploring the hope we find in Christ through the story of His birth. This series will reflect on the significance of Jesus’ arrival, tying it back to Old Testament prophecies, events surrounding Jesus’ arrival, and the promise of hope His birth brings the world today.   

  • Good News, Great Joy, All People


    Good News, Great Joy, All People is a five-session sermon series that will challenge your students’ perspectives of what Christmas is all about. By slowing down and studying in depth the angel’s message to the shepherds, your students will come to learn that Christmas is more than a one-night event. It’s the long-awaited fulfillment of God’s promise to His people. Your students will be encouraged to see the arrival of Jesus as the only thing that brings freedom from fear, great joy, and good news to all people. 

  • Overcoming Elephants in the Room: Confronting What we Tend to Ignore


    Overcoming Elephants in the Room is a series all about how to address some of the biggest issues facing your students. These are issues that we may be unwilling to address because it’s awkward, uncomfortable, or it feels unnecessary. It’s like having an elephant in the room, everyone knows it’s there, but nobody wants to talk about it- it’s weird but it’s daunting, it’s uncomfortable but it’s unavoidable. The best thing to do when there’s an elephant in the room is to call it out, in this series, we’ll do just that!

  • Good Enough: His Power Made Perfect in Us


    Good Enough is a four-session sermon series, explores what it means to be good enough for God to use us. Here's the truth: none of us are good enough on our own. Yet, God chooses each of us for a glorious purpose within His plans, and only He can help us fulfill it. Join us as we discover how God's strength is made perfect in our weakness and how He can use anyone for His purposes.

  • Walk the Plank: Dying to Self Means Life to The Full


    The ironic call of God is that to ultimately find our life, we must lose it first. Not only does this sound a little wild, but it begs the question “How do we die to ourselves” or “walk the plank”, practically? In this series, we’ll explore real-life, examples of men and women throughout the pages of Scripture who “Died to Themselves” and explore their “Death Moment” which will give us clues into what areas in our own lives we need to lay down at the feet of Jesus.

  • Good Vibes Only: Walking Through Life With The Good Shepherd


    Good Vibes Only, a four-session sermon series, will help your students realize the goodness of God all around them and in their own lives. God is all-good, all-powerful, all-loving– all the time. He shows His goodness, power, and love in our lives as He leads us and meets our needs, just like a good shepherd. Even in hard times or when we aren’t seeing His goodness, He is there and He is working. There is no limit to God’s goodness- we’ll discover that through this series, Good Vibes Only

  • The Whole Story: A Story of Wholeness Vs. Separation


    The Whole Story is a four-session sermon series that will challenge and equip your students to understand that unlike the story of separation that the world has told them is true about themselves, Jesus is telling a different story. Jesus’ story is one of wholeness, where all are loved no matter who they are or what they have done. Jesus’ story of wholeness will satisfy and transform those who believe it. And this same Jesus is inviting each and every one of your students to begin to allow His story of wholeness to take root in their own hearts so that they can then begin to love the world as Jesus did.

  • Growing: Our Response To A Love Relationship With Jesus


    Growing is a four-session sermon series that will challenge your students to start seeing spiritual growth, prayer, Scripture memory, and serving not as some oppressive Christian obligation but instead as their response to a love relationship with Jesus. In this series, we will lay out the purpose and reasons for spiritual growth and focus on three disciplines that will help your students grab hold of, digest, and make them a habit in their lives.

  • Table Talk: Sitting With Jesus


    Table Talk is a four-session sermon series that will focus on four conversations Jesus had while sharing meals with His disciples and others. This series will challenge your students to evaluate their heart posture toward things like repentance, love, busyness, and pride and consider how their lives can reflect the heart of Jesus at the table.

  • What Will You Say?: The Decision is Yours


    What Will You Say? is a four-session sermon series that will invite your students into a deeper conversation about and belief in four core tenets of their faith. By establishing a Scriptural and rational foundation for these doctrinal topics, your students will be challenged to deepen and be equipped to guard their faith as they live in an increasingly antagonistic world.

  • Little Sins: Zooming In On A Big Problem


    Little Sins is a four-session sermon series that will confront your students’ misbelief that there are such things as “little” sins. By discussing four sins they are sometimes tempted to see as less severe than others, Little Sins will challenge your students to see all sins as equally destructive and urge them to love God and their neighbor more sincerely.

  • Seven Letters: A Message From Jesus To His People


    Seven Letters is a four-session sermon series that will call your students to carefully examine their current spiritual life and walk with Jesus. By walking through the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, your students will be challenged to see the potential dangers in their lives and equipped to overcome them to grow in their faith.

  • Kairos: Learning to Keep God's Time


    Kairos: is a four-session sermon series that will challenge your students to set aside “tick-tock” time to engage God intentionally and expect Him to break into their lives in timeless ways. By examining four stories of Jesus, this series will encourage your students to look beyond what sits immediately in front of them so they can see that God’s will, goodness, and grace are always working beneath the surface, setting up a framework designed to propel their lives deeper into His Kingdom.

  • Idols: Putting God Back on the Throne


    Idols is a four-session sermon series that will challenge your students’ idea that idols are merely ancient statues that have no power over our lives. This series will explain to your students that, even though they may not look like they used to, many idols are still at work today. Idols will equip your students with the tools they need to recognize and identify the idols in their lives and give them the steps to reorient their lives to God.

  • Warrior: Putting On The Whole Armor of God


    WARRIOR: a four-session sermon series that will help your students better understand and be prepared for the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Students will learn that, as followers of Jesus, we are all warriors in a daily high stakes spiritual battle, but we can have confidence because Jesus has already won the war. In addition, they’ll learn to understand and utilize the different pieces of spiritual armor God has gifted us to fight this battle so that we can experience victory in Jesus.

  • Four Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves


    Four-Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves, a four-session sermon series, will challenge your students to shift their perspective on the priorities in their life and ask the questions: What could our faith look like if we actively put Jesus in the number one spot in our life? What could God do in us and through us if we began placing everything we want secondary to everything God wants for us?

  • Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple


    Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple, a four-session sermon series, will help your students understand that when they give their lives to Jesus, they aren’t just making a decision about their life after death; they are making a decision about their present life and what it means to follow Jesus as His disciple.


First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
