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Youth Pastor Books

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    New, Next, Now: A Discipleship Devotional Bundle

    Original Price $38.97
    Current Price $27.99

    The New/Next/Now Discipleship Bundle provides 12 weeks of powerful devotional experiences to help your students grow from new believers to authentic disciples of Christ.

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    Youth Minister Starter Bundle

    Original Price $70.95
    Current Price $60.95

    The Youth Minister Starter Bundle contains five renowned resources from youth ministry experts. Each book in this bundle is hand-picked to address key areas as you get started in youth ministry: best practices for teaching the Bible, leading parent meetings, assembling a budget, and more.

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    Current Price $60.95
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    Youth Ministry Strategy Bundle

    Original Price $47.96
    Current Price $36.99

    The Youth Ministry Strategy Bundle will give you best practices on teaching the Bible for you and your adult leaders, leading parent meetings, assembling a budget, navigating risk, discipling teenagers, and more.

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  • Serve: Investing Together in Student Ministry


    Serve: Investing Together In Student Ministry is a valuable resource for youth ministry leaders and their volunteers. With the built-in study guide and the chapter reflections, this book is designed to bring about conversation and discussion among a youth ministry leader and their volunteer team. No matter how long your volunteers have served, SERVE provides encouragement, research, and practical insight for a youth ministry team.

  • Protect: A Youth Worker's Guide to Navigating Risk (Revised & Updated Edition)


    Protect: A Youth Worker's Guide to Navigating Risk (Revised & Updated Edition) is an indispensable resource for churches, para-church organizations, and anyone serving in youth ministry. Whether you are a full-time, part-time, volunteer, bi-vocational, rookie, or veteran youth worker, this revised and updated edition ensures you’ll be equipped to navigate the contemporary challenges, unique opportunities, and inherent risks in youth ministry today.

  • Youth Ministry For The Longer Haul: A Field Guide For Longevity


    In Youth Ministry For The Longer Haul: A Field Guide For Longevity, youth ministry veteran and author Chris Trent passes along over three decades of hard-earned advice, knowledgeable insights, and practical wisdom. Chris knows firsthand the value of ministry mentors. And throughout the pages of this book, he mentors you, the reader, so that you too can experience success in navigating the pathway to longevity in youth ministry.

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    Wake Up: Rediscovering A Passion for God and the Bible Small Group Bundle

    from Original Price $26.98
    from $24.99

    Wake Up: Rediscovering A Passion for God and the Bible is a 31-day devotional experience designed to unlock the Bible for Christ-followers. Every day in Wake Up teaches you a different way of meeting with God in the Bible. Some feed your head. Some feed your heart. Some lead you to reflect. Some lead you to act. But every moment is designed to help you rediscover your joy for God and for meeting Him in His Word.

    from Original Price $26.98
    from $24.99
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  • Wake Up: Rediscovering A Passion for God and the Bible [Adult Edition]


    Wake Up: Rediscovering A Passion for God and the Bible is a 31-day devotional experience designed to unlock the Bible for Christ-followers. Every day in Wake Up teaches you a different way of meeting with God in the Bible. Some feed your head. Some feed your heart. Some lead you to reflect. Some lead you to act. But every moment is designed to help you rediscover your joy for God and for meeting Him in His Word.

  • 4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers: Effective Ministry to Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Questioning Students Among Us


    What do I do when a teenager comes out to me? How do I respond in a way that’s helpful rather than creating additional problems? 

    Engaging and deeply relevant, 4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers is a frank and compassionate conversation with four in-the-trenches youth workers who have wrestled with these questions and strengthened their ministries as a result. In fact, it’s out of real-life experience with gay, bisexual, cisgender, transgender, queer, or questioning teens in their own youth groups that these youth workers are able to offer up their approaches—approaches which are then not theoretical at all, but practical and born of relational, everyday ministry. 

    Will you find all the answers in this book? No. Look elsewhere for theological debate; look elsewhere for pat, one-size-fits-all methodologies. Youth ministry is often messy and complex, but it’s a divine calling to connect every youth with Jesus: straight, gay, bi, cisgender, trans, queer, or questioning.

  • 4 Views on Talking to Teenagers about Sex: Pragmatic Help for Teaching Sexuality


    4 Views on Talking to Teenagers About Sex reflects the thoughts, experiences, and practical advice of four in-the-trenches youth workers, who have spent years having these conversations with the teenagers in their ministries. Representing an array of viewpoints, these writers don’t agree on everything—but they all know that our conversations with teens about sex must speak to God’s design, avoid shame, and go far beyond any one instance of “the talk.

  • 5 Views on Youth Ministry Short-Term Missions: Are Your Trips Helping or Hurting?


    5 Views on Youth Ministry Short-Term Missions reflects the thoughts, personal stories, and real-life tips of five in-the-trenches youth workers who regularly lead short-term mission trips (STMs). Here you’ll find thoughtful but practical dialogue on the multiple views and approaches to STMs, from work camps to urban missions to long-term partnerships with Indigenous church leaders across the globe. Didn’t realize there were different views and approaches to STMs that thoughtful youth workers could disagree on? That’s part of the point of this book; to help youth workers have more insight into the issues and be more intentional in their responses. The five views of STMs found within this book are based on the contributors’ core commitments and worldviews (really, their missiology). Each of the contributors also offers a short response to one of the other views of STMs presented. Appendices tackle the important topics of junior high short-term missions and the incredible value of multigenerational trips.

  • A Woman in Youth Ministry: Honest Insight and Leadership Wisdom for Real People


    A Woman in Youth Ministry: Honest Insight and Leadership Wisdom for Real People provides encouragement and practical help for youth ministry leaders who sometimes feel like they're going it alone. This resource is full of stories and rants and blessings and cone-of-silence honesty from Gina Abbas, a storyteller, a listening ear, an honest coach—and a youth worker herself.

  • A Youth Worker's Field Guide To Parents


    A Youth Worker's Field Guide to Parents: Understanding Parents of Teenagers is designed for youth workers who struggle to communicate with and relate to the moms and dads of the teenagers they want to reach the most. This resource provides tips for peacemaking, insights for better empathy, and the motivation you need to make these important relationships work.

  • Called


    Three years into Kendall’s job as the youth pastor of Grace church, many things are going really well: Kids are connecting and growing. She’s built a solid team of adult leaders. She and her husband love their home, city, and friends. But when Kendall is blindsided by her unsupportive senior pastor, who once again takes the side of a wealthy parent over Kendall’s, it’s the impetus she needs to start reconsidering her future. Is it time for Kendall to move on? And if she does look for a role at a new church, how can she be sure it will be a better fit than this one? 

    With this fiction debut, veteran youth worker Jen Bradbury’s novel explores the process of living in to your calling, listening to the voice of God, and continually asking the question, What does the right fit look like, and how do you know when you’ve found it?
