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Golgotha: Stories of Redemption at the Cross

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This series, Golgotha, invites students to explore powerful stories of those who encountered Jesus during His crucifixion and resurrection. In this series, students will wrestle with their own response to the Cross as they look at themes of faith, surrender, restoration, and doubt. This series will show students that the Cross is more than just a historical event. It’s a personal invitation to follow Jesus with their whole lives.

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Golgotha is designed to help students engage with the life-changing message of Jesus and the Cross. In this series, students will examine different characters who were impacted by the crucifixion and resurrection. Students will discover that the Cross calls them to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Each session will call students to respond to the Cross.


    • Any large group setting
    • Mid-week youth service
    • "Master teacher” format 


    • Session 1 – Don’t Miss It (John 19:16-24; Luke 23:39-43 | In session one, we’ll see that at the Cross are Roman soldiers and two criminals. Both groups have different responses to Jesus on the Cross. The soldiers are tasked with the violent treatment of Jesus, and as they sit below Jesus, gambling for His clothes, they are missing the truth of who He is. When we look to the cross, let us not miss the reality of what is happening: Jesus is being lifted up as King.

    • Session 2 – Don’t Run Away, Draw Near (Luke 1:34-38; John 19:25-27) | In session two, we’ll look at the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a powerful example of trust and courage in the face of fear and hardship. While the disciples scattered in fear, we’ll see that Mary stood at the foot of the Cross, showing her commitment to Jesus. Through Mary’s response, we’ll be encouraged to draw near to Jesus and surrender to His plans.

    • Session 3 – Guilt To Grace (John 13:36-38; John 18:15-18; 25-27; John 21:15-19; Acts 2:14;22-24;36-38) | In session three, we’ll explore the life of Peter. Peter navigates moments of rejection, restoration, and endurance surrounding Jesus on the Cross. Peter’s denial highlights the weight of sin and guilt, but his story doesn’t end there. Through Jesus’ love, Peter is restored and reminds us that the Cross offers freedom, not condemnation, and calls us to turn back to Jesus.

    • Session 4 – Radical Belief (John 20:24-29) | In session four, we explore the story of Thomas, often called “Doubting Thomas,” and his journey of following Jesus, doubting, back to belief after encountering the risen Jesus. This lesson reminds us that Jesus can handle our doubts, calls us to believe, and leads us to proclaim, “My Lord and my God!”


Overview and Sample Sermon

Overview and Sample Sermon

Download a full overview of Golgotha and sample the first sermon in the series.

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