As a youth ministry leader, you KNOW that creating partnerships and building bridges with parents is crucial to your ministry’s overall health and long-term effectiveness. Still, the reality for many youth workers is that parents frequently seem intimidating, elusive, unengaged, or unimportant. Even if you wanted to engage parents more effectively, where would you start? YM360 Parent Resources is the answer you’ve been looking for! Whether you’re just starting a parent ministry or looking to grow an existing one, we have resources intentionally designed to help you and your church multiply your ministry efforts and effectiveness by leveraging the powerful influence of parents.
[Look Video] Baptism Meetings With Students & Their Parents
There is nothing like the honor and blessing it is when, as youth pastors, we get a front-row seat to watch God moving and working in the life of a teenager. One of the best moments is talking with a student about their decision to follow Jesus and follow through with being baptized. It's amazing and humbling at the same time. But the logistics of it all can also be a little intimidating. How does that process work in your ministry? Are you intentional in this pre-baptism meeting to walk a student through what baptism is, what baptism isn't, how it works, why we do it, and even what needs to come after? Are you making an effort to involve the parents in this entire process? Allow me the opportunity to share with you how we do one-on-one baptism meetings with students at our church. There's even a downloadable baptism meeting guide and checklist for you to adjust to fit your ministry context.