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Introducing GENERATE: A Summer Camp Experience by ym360

Introducing GENERATE: A Summer Camp Experience by ym360

We are extremely pleased to introduce GENERATE.

GENERATE is a Christ-centered, Gospel-driven camp experience from ym360. Kicking off in Summer 2016, GENERATE is all about leading your teenagers to know Christ and make Him known.

GENERATE represents a lot for us. ym360 was birthed five years ago out of the desire to help equip youth workers to lead teenagers closer to Christ. We are driven by the call God has put on our lives to serve His church. We LOVE the youth workers we interact with on a daily basis. For us, GENERATE represents the next step God is calling us to. It's an exciting time for us, for sure.

For those of you who know ym360 primarily as a publishing organization, you may wonder why we felt called to enter into the experience space. That's a great question. Here's a few thoughts on the "why" question . . .
GENERATE represents increased ministry influence.

We are driven by God's call on our lives to equip youth workers to lead teenagers closer to Christ. Adding face-to-face events to ym360 increases our current ministry impact and influence, and creates dynamic opportunities to serve the church more in the future.

We want to serve churches and teenagers more holistically.

Up to this point, ym360 has served churches primarily through curriculum and discipleship resources. GENERATE is a way for us to offer a more complete ecosystem of service. Now, ym360 can serve churches through publishing and experiences.

It allows us to be EVEN MORE relational.

Relationally serving our churches is in our DNA. We believe service is at the heart of what makes ym360 unique. A youth ministry experience, such as a camp or conference, breaks down the walls of how we care for the youth workers we serve. We can serve youth workers and teenagers face-to-face, growing our relationships even stronger.

Serving alongside our good friend J. Roger Davis.

J. Roger Davis is the newest member of the ym360 Team. Roger has been leading youth ministry experiences (like camps, conferences, and mission trips) for 25 years. Roger joined our team to lead out in crafting GENERATE, and to offer leadership across ym360. Roger is a dear friend, someone we have done life and ministry with for a long time. A big part of this is the chance to link arms with the Davis family and do ministry together. Being able to once again be on mission with Roger is a huge privilege. (I'd recommend you take a moment and read an interview Les Bradford did with Roger about this new move. You can do so by CLICKING HERE.)

So, that is a little bit of the heartbeat behind why we're heading in the direction we're heading, while still staying true to who we are. I hope you can sense what an awesome privilege we believe this to be. We're humbled to see God working in and through us.

We would LOVE for you to join us in 2016. For more information on dates, locations, communicators, and worship leaders, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email us, live chat us (see top of this page), or call us 888.969.6360.

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