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Growing as a Leader in Youth Ministry Does Not Have to Be Overwhelming.

What if you could gain the practical skills you need to grow as a leader and thrive in your ministry leadership? What if you could eliminate being overwhelmed by the never-ending responsibilities of a youth pastor? The MyYouthMin Training and Leadership resources seen below will help you become a thriving leader in your ministry!

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Youth Pastor Training and Leadership

  • [6 Lesson Course] Freely & Lightly: Introducing The Spiritual Disciplines


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. What are the words that resonate most with you in this season of your ministry? Do the words tired, worn out, or burned out on religion describe the state of your soul? Has serving the Kingdom become something you dread rather than delighted in? The longer we give ourselves to ministry, the more we understand that the words from Jesus found in Matthew 11:28-30 are not aspirational. For us to be sustained in ministry, they must become our lived reality. Amid busy ministry seasons, Jesus invites us to take a real rest. Jesus invites us into the overflowing, ever-deepening, unforced rhythms of grace. You’ve been teaching other people about this life for a long time. It’s time you remembered it for yourself. 

  • [6 Lesson Course] Discovering The World Behind The Text, Of The Text, & In Front Of The Text Of Genesis 1-11


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. Within this 6-lesson module, we'll enter what we think to be familiar territory with the first few stories in Genesis. These are stories we believe we know well until we read them again and discover that there are places in the text we didn't notice before or that our Sunday School experiences were omitted due to the things that weren't palatable for us as children. There are some hard stories in this collection of texts. That's probably why we don't hear them preached very often. Nevertheless, these are important stories, so I want to dive into the things that I think we as ministers need to know about the book of Genesis: the world "behind" the text, the world "of" the text, and the world "in front of" the text.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Creating A Missional Culture Of Gospel-Centered Teenagers


    By Team YM360. If you start with "The Bible says," or in some way assume they already know much about the Gospel, you are, in effect, asking them to understand a clear that you understand clearly, but they don't, and they have no picture giving them a framework to start with. Not having a big picture to help put the pieces of life in perspective can be frustrating. Thankfully, God never intended for us to be without a clear picture of our life's purpose and direction. Instead, God gave us a big picture of life in order that we could live according to His design. It's only when we live according to this bigger picture, God's story, that our individual piece of the story makes sense. That's why understanding the Gospel story is vital to our witness. But it's also vital to teach this to our students today. This learn module will walk you through how to do just that!

  • [3 Lesson Course] Building A Campus Ministry In The Summer


    By Corey Watson. School campus ministry is a great way to meet students right where they are, minister to the faculty, bless the school in practical ways, and meet other students in your community. The questions that come up most often, however, whenever we talk about building a campus ministry are— How do I locate and leverage open doors at the schools in my community? How can I connect with my students there without crossing any boundaries? How can I get the critical meetings that need to be had with the key leaders at a school, and how do I make a great impression when I do? These are common questions for many of us as youth pastors as we attempt to solve the campus ministry conundrum. Oftentimes, however, we go about answering these questions during the busiest times of the school year. What if I told you there was a time when school leaders would be more open to meeting and engaging with you on this topic? There is such a time, the summer break. 

  • [7 Lesson Course] A Six-Step Social Media Framework For Engaging Gen Z & Gen Alpha


    By Nick Clason. We know a couple of things about Gen Z (and subsequently will be true about Gen Alpha close behind them)--1) They're the first generation to be on their mobile device more than other devices combined. 2) They say a hybrid version of church will suit their needs in a post-pandemic world. 3) Greater than 80% use at least one social media app regularly. What these statistics show us is what we already know in our guts, that digital ministry is not going anywhere. As a youth ministry leader, you're doing all you can to keep up with the latest social media platform, use it effectively, post regularly, and leverage it to engage students, parents, and leaders. But gnawing at you in the back of your mind--you're aware that a social media presence matters and that your students live on it, but you don't know how to best utilize each social platform. That's what we're going to explore here in this module. We're going to look at the top five social platforms and discover the most up-to-date best practices. Then we are going to create an entire social media strategy for you and your ministry.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Abiding In Christ


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. Over the six lessons of this module, we’re going to explore what it means to abide in Christ in good times and in our seasons of spiritual dryness. These six lessons will cover many different topics: childlike reading of Scripture as a means of abiding in Christ, persistence in prayer, and even recalibrating how we teach our own students during dry ministerial seasons. Each of these elements is, I argue, a different way in which we can abide in the One who loves us so much that He gave His life for us.

  • [5 Lesson Course] Generation Z & Generation Alpha Research: What You Need To Know & How It Should Impact Your Approach To Youth Ministry


    By Dr. Ben Birdsong. Understanding the generations we serve can be a great tool for the youth worker. With this tool, we can understand the needs, struggles, and mindsets of each generation so we can faithfully point them to the truth of the gospel. With this tool, we can help parents to better understand their children and disciple them well. With this tool, we can help the older adults in the church better understand the generations who have come behind them. With this tool, we can listen to the heart cries of a generation, become a listening ear for them, and encourage them that Jesus will be with them and He never fails. In this module, we will dig into the latest information concerning Generation Z and Alpha in an effort to better understand who they are and how these insights should impact our approach to ministry to them.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Protect: A Youth Worker's Guide To Navigating Risk (101)


    Written by Dr. Jody Dean. Youth ministry has matured since the days of chubby bunny and the egg-and-armpit relay. On the one hand, there is an excellent opportunity to challenge an information-rich generation to consider the life-changing claims of Christ. But on the other, there are significant challenges to how we do ministry in an increasingly dangerous world.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Stress, Anxiety, & Burnout


    Youth ministry is a grinding mill of unreal expectations, often combined with a surprising lack of support or resources. When you couple that with a youth pastor who is trying to do too much and trying to be too much -- it's a recipe for disaster leading to stress, anxiety, and ultimately burnout. As a youth pastor, you don't have a lot of leverage to fix the church's attitudes toward ministry, but we can improve our own attitudes. Hopefully, the result will be men and women who lower their stress, anxiety, and burnout and stay in youth ministry for many years to come.
