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  • "Do Not Grow Weary" Script


    “Do not grow weary of doing good / Though the world tells you that you should” 

    Do Not Grow Weary is a spoken word piece about not growing weary in our faith. This script will help you create a memorable charge for your group to not give up pursuing Christ!

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 5 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: Three actors, can be adapted to your needs 
    • Theme Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:13 
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "The Gospel Is Not Marketing" Script


    “The gospel is Jesus stepping into humanity.” 

    The Gospel Is Not Marketing examines what society tells us is the Gospel and makes us reexamine how we present the Gospel. This script will help your group break the idea of trying to "sell Jesus" and instead realize He's so much more than a fad or trend. 

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 7 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 1-3 actors, but could be adapted for more 
    • Theme Verses: Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Corinthians 8:6 
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "The Story of One" Script


    “Together with this crazy family, we’re on one mission – the work of our lives: to know Christ and to make Him known.” 

    Rarely is there just one of anything. But there is only one God. The Story of One will help your group understand that in a world of plurality, there is only one God. 

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors, but could be adapted in other ways 
    • Theme Verses: Ephesians 4:4-6 
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Finely Tuned" Script


    “What if something was greater than me? What if something else held me together? Something is holding us together.”

    Finely Tuned is a spoken word piece for three actors that explores and awes at the God of all creation. 

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors, but could be adapted in other ways. Can be performed with instruments or without them.
    • Theme Verses: Colossians 1:17, Isaiah 40:26, Psalm 147:4, Job 26:14 
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Three Mics" Script


    “I want to be my truest self: the self so completely reliant on Jesus, the self so desperately dependent on Him, everything else about me fades away. I want you to know the Jesus in me.” 

    Three Mics is a spoken word piece that explores who we are, who we will be, and who we want to become in Christ. 

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 4 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:17 
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Awe and Wonder" Script


    “God loves us so much that not only did He give us the extraordinary gift of His Son, He lets us smell flowers, taste food, see Mars. 'These are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear from Him?'” 

    Awe and Wonder is a dramatic piece that explores the fact that God created everything for a purpose. When Lydia takes her two friends Elizabeth and Alex to the top of a mountain to see Mars at peak proximity to Earth (a once in a lifetime event), the conversation turns to God’s beautiful creations and how we serve a God who made everything with a purpose. But will Elizabeth see and understand that for herself? 

    • Author: Erin Moon 
    • Length: approximately 13 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Colossians 1:17; Isaiah 40:26; Psalm 147:4; Job 26:14 
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "How Many?" Script


    “How many types and swipes are between you and God?” 

    How Many? is a rap/spoken word piece that explores our relationship with technology and how it hinders our relationship with Christ and with fellow believers around us. It can be performed as a spoken word with no music track, or with the track that is provided. 

    • Author: Terrance Jackson 
    • Length: approximately 2 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Colossians 3:1 
    • Format: Downloadable PDF, download includes demo track and instrumental track

    Listen to the demo track:

  • "On Mission" Script


    “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

    On Mission explores the importance of missions work and why we go and spread the Gospel with three monologues from different missionaries and ending with the Great Commission. 

    • Author: Terrance Jackson 
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 7:4 
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Consider Friendship" Script


    “So now when I consider what it means to be a friend, I think of Jesus, the one who calls me friend.” 

    Consider friendship is a spoken word piece that takes a look at friendship in 4 major moments, the wonderment of childhood, the brokenness of adolescence, what Jesus has to say, and what that means for us now.

    • Author: Terrance Jackson & Jonathan Skaggs 
    • Length: approximately 4 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Luke 15:12-15 
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Keep Shooting" Script


    “Trusting in God’s plan is the key to our life, even if we don’t completely understand it. If we offer our whole lives to Him, He will do the rest..."

    After missing what would have been the game winning shot ,Zoe is furious with herself, her mom, and the world when her team mate Trish finds her in the locker room. The conversation that ensues helps them both as they wrestle with the uncertainty of their lives and the solid footing that God has to offer them.

    • Author: Terrance Jackson & Jonathan Skaggs 
    • Length: approximately 6 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 2 female and 1 male actor 
    • Theme Verses: Hebrews 12:1-3, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 2:8-10
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Thanks for Sharing" Script


    “He wants me to know I’m loved. I’m accepted. That I have inherent value… and there is more He has in store for me. He saved me.” 

    Mallory is hanging out with her friends and tells them that she recently got saved. Over the course of their time together her two friends have very different reactions.

    • Author: Terrance Jackson & Jonathan Skaggs 
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 2 female and 1 male actor 
    • Theme Verses: Ephesians 2:8-9
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • "Stories: Zacchaeus, Eutychus & Blind Man" Script


    “So although we can’t be with Jesus in the same way His Disciples were, we still have the scriptures that are living and active to help us live our lives in a way that pushes back the darkness.”

    A trio of storytellers tell three Biblical stories, the Story of Zacchaeus, Jesus heals a man born blind, and Eutychus raised from the dead. These stories are told to reflect the fact that Jesus has the heart of a storyteller and that scripture is living and active.

    • Author: Terrance Jackson & Jonathan Skaggs 
    • Length: approximately 7 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors
    • Theme Verses: Luke 19, John 9, Acts 20
    • Format: Downloadable PDF
  • Redefined Script


    “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Because we are called to be one body, with one purpose, under one God.'” 

    A spoken word piece centered around Hebrews 10, Colossians 3, and 2 Corinthians 5 addressing how we are called to be on e body, with one purpose, under one God. A great piece to close a conference/DNOW weekend, or perfect during a mid week or Sunday service. 

    • Author: Emily Willson
    • Length: approximately 3 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors, but can be edited for more or less
    • Theme Verses: Colossians 3; Hebrews 10; 2 Corinthians 5
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "In The Beginning" Script


    “Because in Christ - Today and forevermore. We are redefined.'” 

    A spoken word piece that takes a look into our beginning through Genesis 1, how the beginning was redefined in John 1, and where this redefinition takes us in Titus 3. A great piece to open a conference/DNOW weekend. 

    • Author: Emily Willson 
    • Length: approximately 3 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors, but can be edited for more or less 
    • Theme Verses: Genesis 1; John 1; Titus 3
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Bless The Food" Script


    “I get angry too. And you're right Steph. Life isn't the best right now, and dad may never come back. There seems not too much for us to be thankful for. But not only do we have each other, but we do have the Lord. He is our father and he will guide us. And for that I am thankful and forever grateful.'” 

    When siblings sit down for dinner, one admits they don't think they should have to pray because they don't believe they have anything to thank God for. A dramatic scene about God's timing and providence and our trust in Him. 

    • Author: Terrance Jackson
    • Length: approximately 10 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Psalm 9:10; Proverbs 3: 5-6
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Bean Party" Script


    “Yea in school, I always went to church but it was very surface level and something I mostly did to be seen. I didn't have a real relationship. But God is so good. Better than i deserve.'” 

    What happens when you meet an old friend who knew you when you weren't saved? Bean Party examines that scenario.

    • Author: Terrance Jackson
    • Length: approximately 13 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Colossians 3:13
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Lunch" Script


    "Your words have consequences... and taking responsibility for your actions is the right thing, regardless of the outcome."

    Three friends meet in the school cafeteria after one of them makes an offensive joke in class. This piece touches on the theme that the way you live each and every day is as much of your mission field as when you go oversees on a missions trip. 

    Author: Jonathan Skaggs & Katie Beazley

    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 1 male actor, 2 female actors 
    • Theme Verses: Proverbs 27:17, Colossians 4:6
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Mirror" Script


    "Your frame was not hidden from me when I created you in the secret place when I wove you together before the beginning of time."

    This piece contains two fractured monologues from a man and a woman, both who has a distorted view of self. The concept of reflection, reflecting and what it means to be truly seen are themes throughout this piece. In the midst of the two monologues there is also the personification of Truth who speaks the text of Psalm 139.

    • Author: Jonathan Skaggs & Katie Beazley
    • Length: approximately 5 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Psalm 139
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Stories: Great Banquet, Hidden Treasure & Lost Sheep" Script


    "Will you trust the shepherd to take you home?"

    This is a highly theatrical sketch where three actors tell three different parables, the parable of the great banquet, the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the lost sheep. 

    • Author: Jonathan Skaggs
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Luke 14, Luke 15, Matthew 13
    • Downloadable PDF

  • "Who is this God" Script


    "For You are perfect in power, in love, and purity..."

    This is a piece of spoken word written in verse form attempting to describe the splendor, majesty and Glory of God knowing it will fall short but trying anyways. 

    • Author: Jonathan Skaggs & Emily Willson
    • Length: approximately 5 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors 
    • Theme Verses: Isaiah 40: 12-15
    • Downloadable PDF

  • "East of Eden" Script


    "We are here in the East of Eden living in the aftershock of our rebellion, grappling with the consequences of what we chose, and what we gave away.”

    East of Eden is a spoken word piece that depicts all that was lost during the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Illustrating the joy and beauty of God’s creation through the eyes of Adam and Eve, we also see the devastating nature of sin and the loss of relationship with God the Father. In the end, the question is posed of how we can restore that broken relationship and find our way back to the Father. 

    • By: Jonathan Skaggs
    • Length: approximately 6 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors
    • Theme Verses: Genesis 3
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "Root for the Home Team" Script


    "May we look through the eyes of God, may we join the angels next time so we can really see, that the lost finding Jesus is the celebration that the world needs to see.” 

    Root For the Home Team is a spoken word piece that illustrates the difference between how we celebrate our passion for sports or our sports idols, and how we celebrate the work of Christ in the lives of those around us. This script points us towards seeking those that are lost, emphasizing the importance of our role in leading people into a life-giving relationship with Jesus and the eternal celebration of the lost becoming found. 

    • By: Terrance Jackson & Brian Hill
    • Length: approximately 4 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors
    • Theme Verses: Luke 15:7, 10, 32
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "The Podcast" Script


    "God’s plan for your life is not so fragile that it can be derailed by something like where you might want to go to college, or even if you want to go to college at all.”

    “Sold Out for Jesus” is a dramatic sketch that explores how we view the choices we make for our future. Chad and Mary host a podcast “for teenagers” and “by teenagers” exploring areas of faith and life. When the invite Emily (the former podcast host) back as a special guest to hear about her new life as a college student, they engage in a conversation about how a person can truly discern God’s will for their life. Can your life be derailed if you make the wrong choice?

    • By: Jonathan Skaggs
    • Length: approximately 7 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 2 female, 1 male
    • Theme Verses: Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3: 5 - 6
    • Downloadable PDF
  • "The Lost Trilogy" Script


    "These are more than stories, they are reminders of God’s heart for the lost. He cares deeply that when even one is dead in their sins, they would come to know the goodness of God.”

    The Lost Trilogy is a light-hearted re-telling of the parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son. The actors perform as narrators, storytellers, and characters that creatively portray the story of each parable. Each parable points to God’s heart for the lost and the celebration that occurs when the lost are found. 

    • By: Terrance Jackson & J. Roger Davis
    • Length: approximately 8 minutes 
    • Actor Needs: 3 actors
    • Theme Verses: Luke 15
    • Downloadable PDF

First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
