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  • Text Me


    Siri, predictive text, and virtual keyboards have spoiled this generation. Students don’t understand the struggle of texting before smartphones. Back in the day, we had to text to school in the snow, uphill both ways, like cave people. When it comes to old cell phones, the Nokia 3310 is the classic example of indestructible old tech. If you had a cellphone in the late 90s, it was the 3310. Text Me brings ’90s nostalgia to another level. We found an old Nokia manual and recreated the texting functionality for this app. Amaze your students with a glimpse into the past. 

  • Three of a Kind Valentine's


    Siri, predictive text, and virtual keyboards have spoiled this generation. Students don’t understand the struggle of texting before smartphones. Back in the day, we had to text to school in the snow, uphill both ways, like cave people. When it comes to old cell phones, the Nokia 3310 is the classic example of indestructible old tech. If you had a cellphone in the late 90s, it was the 3310. Text Me brings ’90s nostalgia to another level. We found an old Nokia manual and recreated the texting functionality for this app. Amaze your students with a glimpse into the past. 

  • Three Spree


    Quick! Name a Superhero! Name another! Another! ANOTHER!!! Three Spree is a fast-paced category game that has students naming off items in a category as fast as they can, without repeating anything or running out the three second clock. You make up the categories ahead of time, so they can be generic or specific to your youth ministry (like naming off volunteers). 

  • Thumbs


    True or false? Yey or nay? Fact or Fiction? Real or Fake? Thumbs is a great way to play all of those games with your students! At its core, Thumbs is a tool that displays a thumbs up and a thumbs down. Have everyone answer a question with their thumbs in the air. Then display the answer with the thumbs on the screen! It’s a great visual and adds some extra flare to your games. 

  • Toaster Timer


    We’re not going to over-exaggerate anything here. Toaster Timer is the greatest toaster related timer in the world! You can use this utility app as a blind timer. A blind timer means the timer does not show the countdown clock. We use it for Hot Potato games and "minute to win it" games. 

  • Treasures


    Treasures is a fun, goofy game where you control the outcome. There are 5 treasure chests on the screen. Inside one is a bunch of coins. The others contain things like fish, rubber chickens, and poop. Give your students an opportunity to pick the correct chest. Little do they know, you’re pulling the strings and can decide which chest contains what on the fly. 

  • Tug-of-War


    Tug of War is a really quick and fun game that requires zero setup. Just have your students split into two teams (guys vs girls, upperclassmen vs underclassmen, etc). The louder they cheer, the stronger their pull on the rope will be! In reality, the person running the computer is controlling the rope with their cursor, but the students don’t need to know that! 

  • Turkey Drop


    Turkey Drop is a Thanksgiving themed version of our popular game, Donut Drop. Think Plinko with turkeys. Just have your students call out, “DROP!” and hit the spacebar. Watch at the turkey bounces around and hope that it lands in a pan at the bottom. If your students are able to get three turkeys in a pan, they’re the winners. This is a super easy, no-step game that’s perfect for the Thanksgiving season. 

  • Turkey Pop


    Grab two bicycle pumps and two students! Have them inflate the turkeys on the screen until one of them pops. The first to pop their turkey is the winner! This funny game is easy to understand with hardly any setup. Every time a student pumps their bicycle pump, just hold down an arrow key on your keyboard. This will cause their turkey to inflate. If the turkey gets too big, "POP!", it explodes into a bunch of turkey pieces. Check out the, "How to Play" section below for more details. 

  • Unstand If


    "Unstand if..." is your classic, "Sit down if..." youth ministry game. The cool thing about this game is that you can quickly enter the conditions and start playing right away. Just have everyone stand up. If what's on the screen is true about them, have them unstand (aka sit down)! Since you can change the conditions in the dashboard, this is a great and simple game that can be played every week. 

  • What's in the Box


    "What's in the Box!?" has a bunch of different uses. You can create up to 26 digital shoeboxes and assign a color, letter, and prize/anti-prize to each one. Then create a real life shoebox for each one on the screen. Have your students pick a letter and that shoebox will be revealed on the screen. When you hit the spacebar, the lid flies off and a little sign appears with what is in the box.
    One way to play is to have a student blindfolded, sticking their hand into a shoebox filled with... whatever you want! This is fun because you can fill it with gross stuff and reveal to the crowd what it is without the blindfolded person knowing. You can even use it as prize picker! 

  • What's the Passcode?


    What’s the Passcode is a game that has student trying to figure out a random 4- digit passcode with a series of clues that show up in the form of notifications. “The 3rd number is even”, “The 2nd number is three less than the 4th”, “The 1st number plus the 4th equals 5”, etc. The first student (or group) to correctly guess that passcode wins! Don’t worry, if they just aren’t getting it, you can force one of the notifications to straight up tell you one of the numbers. 

  • Who Wrote It - Dear Santa


    “Who Wrote It?” has students asking the question… “Who wrote it?” Before your youth group starts, have your students write what they want for Christmas, along with their names, on pieces of paper. Take those papers and input them into this game. When you’re ready to play, just show each quote and see if your students can guess who wrote it! 

  • Who Wrote It - Thanksgiving


    “Who Wrote It?” has students asking the question… “Who wrote it?” Before your youth group starts, have your students write what they are thankful for, along with their names, on pieces of paper. Take those papers and input them into this game. When you’re ready to play, just show each quote and see if your students can guess who wrote it! 

  • Wink n Blink


    Do you need a quick crowd game that doesn’t require any set up? Wink n Blink is perfect for that! The big face on the screen will close his eyes and so will all of your students. Then, he’ll open his left, right, or both eyes! Students will open their left, right, or both eyes in hopes that they match the screen. If they don’t, they’re out! It’s a great, quick crowd elimination game! 

  • Word Shark


    Word Shark is basically hangman, but underwater… with a shark. You enter your own words/phrases and the game will handle the rest. When a student guesses a letter, just hit that letter on the keyboard. If it’s correct, that letter will be revealed. If it’s wrong, one of three walls that separate the scuba diver and shark will lower. Once they get four wrong letters, the shark will attack… by launching a fireball from its mouth. 


First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
