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  • Anchored: A Year-Long Bible Study Curriculum

    from $349.00

    The world is full of deception and distraction, especially for young believers. You feel like you are doing everything you can to stay ahead of what your students are facing, but there are still days where it just doesn’t seem like enough. That is why YM360’s year-long curriculum Anchored, is here to help.  

    from $349.00
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    The Holy Spirit: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    "The Holy Spirit", a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand who the Holy Spirit is and what His presence in their life means, the role Jesus played in ushering in a new way of relating to the Holy Spirit, and what exactly the Bible means by the “fruit of the Spirit.”

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    Worship: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Worship, a three-lesson Bible study, will help your students understand that worship is the response that results from our encountering God; that seeing Jesus for who He is and responding to Him in worship is vital; and that responding to God looks a lot of different ways, each of them a vital way of interacting in relationship with Him.

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    Holiness: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Holiness, a three-lesson Bible study, will help your students understand what holiness is, how Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross makes holiness available to them, and that choosing to live a holy life means choosing to identify with God instead of the world.

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    God's Word: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    God’s Word, a three-lesson Bible study, will help your students see the power of God’s Word throughout the Old Testament, how Jesus was the physical embodiment of God’s Word (God’s living, breathing Word to us), and how their lives can be used to spread God’s Word.

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    Spiritual Gifts: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Spiritual Gifts, a three-lesson Bible study, will help your students understand that the Holy Spirit works in Christ-followers to grow the Church, that Jesus paved the way for the Holy Spirit to empower all believers to serve, and to understand what spiritual gifts they’ve been given.

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    Humility: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Humility, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students learn that humility is one of the core components of a Christ-follower’s identity, that humility is the mark of a true Christ-follower, and that living out God’s vision of what it means to be a Christ-follower means having an overall posture of humility towards others.

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    Prayer: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Prayer, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that prayer is an essential component of a personal relationship with God, that their prayers are made possible and effective through the person and work of Jesus Christ, and that they would understand the Lord’s Prayer and why Jesus uses it as a model for us to follow.

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    Obedience: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Obedience, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that the foundation of our relationship with God is built on obedience to His commands, that our obedience of God must be motivated by our love for Christ, and that because of Jesus, they’ve been set free from sin to live lives of obedience.

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    God's Mercy: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    God’s Mercy, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students learn that God is a merciful God, showing goodness to those in need, that Jesus’ mission of redemption was born out of God’s great mercy, and that as people who have been on the receiving end of God’s mercy, we are to show mercy to others.

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    God's Sovereignty: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    God’s Sovereignty, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that God is the all-mighty Creator King that calls us to follow and obey Him, that Jesus set aside His rights as Sovereign King to come and suffer on behalf of sinners, and that true freedom and rest can be found in the truth of God’s sovereignty.

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    The Unchanging God: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    The Unchanging God, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students realize that God’s unchanging nature leads to being able to express great confidence in who He is, that God’s unchanging plan has always been to call people to Himself, and that God takes an eternal perspective on our trials and challenges, promising to make all things right.

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    Service: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Service, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that the heart of service is seen in God’s desire to provide for us, His children, that Jesus was the ultimate Servant, and that life as a Christ-follower is marked by service that ultimately serves to share the Gospel with the world.

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    Stewardship: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Stewardship, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that we’re called to see every resource we have as belonging to God, that Jesus modeled stewardship for us in His willingness to step away from heaven to purchase salvation for His children, and that living out the principle of stewardship means giving of yourself to serve others and God.

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    Suffering: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Suffering, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that while God is in control of all things, suffering is a result of our rebellion against Him, that God chose to step into the midst of our suffering – in the form of Christ’s death on the cross – not to remain distant from it, and that God uses trials and suffering to accomplish His purposes and shape our faith.

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    God's Righteousness: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    God’s Righteousness, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students understand that God alone is perfectly good, that Jesus, the Righteous One, purchased our righteousness through His atoning death, and that as Christ-followers, we’re called to live lives of righteousness.

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    Knowing God: A 3-Lesson Bible Study

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99

    Knowing God, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students move beyond merely knowing about what God has done in other people’s lives, and to truly know God for themselves, that Jesus is the most visible picture of who God is we have, and that knowing God is not merely a concept, but a truth that transforms who we are and our view of God’s mission.

    Original Price $39.99
    Current Price $19.99
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    I Can Only Imagine Movie License and Bible Study Bundle

    from Original Price $149.99
    from $129.99

    Show I Can Only Imagine to your church, youth group, and community with the I Can Only Imagine Movie License and teach the I Can Only Imagine 4-session Bible study in your youth ministry for a powerful experience exploring brokenness and redemption, rejection and forgiveness, and the ultimate hope of the Gospel.

    from Original Price $149.99
    from $129.99
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First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
