Getting Started:
Before you launch the game, click on the "Settings" icon (looks like a gear) in the sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you'll enter the number of seconds that you want for your countdown clock. If you don't want to use the clock, just don't start it during the game. Launch the game by either clicking on the launch button in the top right corner of the dashboard, or click on the launch icon (it looks like a rocket) in the left sidebar. Then click on the, "Launch Game" button.
- Bring a student up and tell them that you're thinking of a number between 1 and 100 (or 500... or 1000... you get the idea). Hit the SPACEBAR to start the clock. They will guess their first number. Using the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard, show them if your number is higher or lower than the number they picked. Have them guess again. Do this until the clock runs out or until they get the correct answer.
- If they get the right number, hit the ENTER key on the keyboard. This will stop the clock and play a, "winning" sound. if they don't guess it in time, the timer will hit 0 and play a, "losing" sound. Hit the "r" key to reset the clock and start over with a new number.
- Note: If you're not running the computer, make sure the person who is knows your number ahead of time.
- Note 2: To make it more challenging, bring up 2 or more students. Have them each take a turn guessing the number. They'll have to pay attention to everyone else's answers and that makes it extra difficult.