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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -

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Lucky for you, YM360 has you covered! Choose from our large library of games, growing by the week.


Fun, simple, "one outcome" games.



These games function more like an App and allow outcomes to change, which allows you to play games your students love over and over again.



Choose from Water, Relay, Group Building, Large Group, Stage, Messy and Dodgeball Games books perfect for playing with groups.



Fun, simple, "one outcome" games.



These games function more like an App and allow outcomes to change, which allows you to play games your students love over and over again.



Choose from Water, Relay, Group Building, Large Group, Stage, Messy and Dodgeball Games books perfect for playing with groups.



  • Turkey Drop


    Turkey Drop is a Thanksgiving themed version of our popular game, Donut Drop. Think Plinko with turkeys. Just have your students call out, “DROP!” and hit the spacebar. Watch at the turkey bounces around and hope that it lands in a pan at the bottom. If your students are able to get three turkeys in a pan, they’re the winners. This is a super easy, no-step game that’s perfect for the Thanksgiving season. 

  • Who Wrote It - Thanksgiving


    “Who Wrote It?” has students asking the question… “Who wrote it?” Before your youth group starts, have your students write what they are thankful for, along with their names, on pieces of paper. Take those papers and input them into this game. When you’re ready to play, just show each quote and see if your students can guess who wrote it! 

  • Christmas: Fact or Fiction


    Yule like this one! Get ready for everyone’s assumptions about Christmas to be challenged! Use this fun game to find out what your students do and don’t know about various Christmas traditions as well as what’s in the Bible as you have them determine FACT or FICTION! Play it as a face-off among students onstage, or invite the whole audience to play by moving around the room or facing off against a friend!

  • Tis The Seasoning


    Sure, your students have their favorite holiday treats – but can they tell the difference between all the flavors that make their taste buds explode? This fun game is perfect for adding some extra flavor to your program – players can play throughout the room by holding up one or two fingers as they make their guess. Wrong answers knock them out, and right answers keep them in the game. Award the winner with something sweet!

  • Is It Real? Christmas Traditions


    How does (and doesn’t) the rest of the world celebrate Christmas? In this festive and fun-filled games, players will be challenged with unique holiday traditions from other countries to guess if the celebration is real or completely made up. Simply play as an all-play where everyone gives a thumbs-up for thumbs-down to vote… and seize the moment – because some of the most unfamiliar ideas will create engaging conversation. Perfect for testing everyone’s Yuletide knowledge and sparking laughs, this game will enlarge everyone’s understanding of being in the Christmas spirit!

  • Did / Didn't: Christmas Edition


    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! So why not take a moment to help your group see what it does and doesn’t have in common when it comes to the holidays? Get them moving as they share by shifting from one side of the room to the other (or raise their left hand or right hand, if you have a big group) as they indicate if they “DID” or “DIDN’T” do it!

  • Dog vs Cat: Who Wore It Better Christmas Edition


    Many people favor dogs over cats, or cats over dogs, but it’s time to prove who is better. Have you group examine the cute-yet-disturbing outfits and decide who wore it better – the cat or the dog. They can yell out their answer to sway others, but then need to vote… either by moving from one side of the room to the other, or however you feel works for your group. Enjoy!

  • Extreme Gift Counting


    Extreme Gift Counting has students playing against each other to see who can count how many presents fly onto the screen. You control it by hitting any letter key on the keyboard. The game keeps track of every gift and displays the final number when you're ready. It's harder than it looks. You can go super slow, launching a few gifts at a time, or you can button mash and cause chaos! This is a great, no-setup game that can last as long as you need it to! 

  • Fa La Llama Llamalong


    Santa’s little helpers volunteered their time to spice up the classic Llama Llamalong game, by suiting the llamas up like Christmas elves! Fa La Llama Llamalong adds a great change up for those ministries that regularly play Llama Llamalong, but works great on its own. Students pick up on the rules quickly, but mastering it? Not so simple. Also, did we mention this youth group game takes no-prep and it gets more fun every time your ministry plays it? Fa La Llama Llamalong is most fun to play when your youth group has a weekly Fa La Llama Llamalong Champion. Each week, bring a student up to beat the highest score. If they do it, they become the new champ until someone beats their score, or until New Years. 

  • Follow the Red Nose


    This Christmas-themed game allows your students all the fun of the classic Three Card Monte game, usually played curbside my scam artists and street thugs, but in the safety of your youth ministry. Follow the Red Nose makes for the perfect prize game. The best part? You can make whoever you want to win or lose. Playing fair? The England Patriots don’t play fair, and they have five Super Bowls! 

  • Santa Drop


    Santa Drop is a super jolly, Christmas version of one of our favorite games, Donut Drop. Just have a student yell, "Drop!" and watch as a Santa jumps from his sleigh, bounces through the pegs, and hopefully lands in one of five chimneys! The coolest part about this game is that you can hit a button that completely slows down time in the game! This is perfect for those moments when it looks like the Santa is about to fall into a chimney. Just hit the button and everything runs in slow motion! It's a ton of fun! 

  • Santa Slots


    Satna Slots offers all the fun of a slot machine minus the chance to win a bazooka load full of money. But! It’s Christmas themed. So, it does have that going for it. Santa Slots requires no setup and works great as a prize game or a tiebreaker! We use Santa Slots at the end of a scavenger hunt that has multiple winners and other tie-breakers. Invite the winners up on stage see who get the highest score. 

  • Who Wrote It - Dear Santa


    “Who Wrote It?” has students asking the question… “Who wrote it?” Before your youth group starts, have your students write what they want for Christmas, along with their names, on pieces of paper. Take those papers and input them into this game. When you’re ready to play, just show each quote and see if your students can guess who wrote it! 

  • Did It Happen? Last Christmas


    Look back on last Christmas through this fun “Two Truths and a Lie” style game! Let volunteers ahead of time know the prompts so they can come up and share 3 stories to test your students. You can play it as a face-off onstage, or have players stand up and hold up 1, 2 or 3 fingers to vote on the story (and sitting down if they get it wrong). Whether Christmas just happened or you’re going back to last year, this game is sure to create some great vibes for your group!
