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The Thread Curriculum Devo Bundle

52 Lessons of Curriculum | 10 Devotional Journals
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The Thread Curriculum Devo Bundle

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Original Price $468.90
Current Price $428.90

Student ministry has changed a lot over the last eight years, so why shouldn’t your resources? We have put a fresh face on all of the digital and physical resources of The Thread: Discovering the Thread of the Gospel Through the Big-Picture Story of the Bible. The team also went through this 52-week downloadable Bible study to ensure that the same lessons you love and trust are built for today’s students. We’ve tossed out the dated material, cleaned up some previous grammatical errors, and made a better version of one of our most popular year-long Youth Ministry Bible studies! 

Purchase The Thread and learn about God's story and how He wove His thread of love through every page. 

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The Thread: Discovering the Thread of the Gospel Through the Big-Picture Story of the Bible

Move beyond the fun and games and teach with resources that are centered in God's Word and draw students closer to God. The Thread walks through the story of the Gospel through Scripture in four main parts, each with 13 lessons: 

  • Beginnings 
  • A People Rise, A People Fall 
  • The Gospel Come to Life 
  • The Gospel at Work 

Do your students really have a grasp of the narrative of the Bible? Further, do they really understand the Gospel—and that the Gospel literally courses through the entire narrative of the Bible?

The Thread is designed to accomplish two simple things: 

  1. Your students will learn the big-picture story of the Bible. So many teenagers simply don't have a grasp of the narrative of the Bible—key characters, key events. Few teenagers understand how these elements fit into the story of God and His people. The Thread changes this.

  2. Your students will learn what the Gospel is and how it literally courses through the narrative of Scripture. Not only will your students learn the story of the Bible, but they will see that it is a story of unfailing love, as God seeks from the beginning of Creation to draw humankind to Him through the grace of the Gospel. The Thread will teach your teenagers God's story. And it will teach them how God wove His thread of love through every page of it.
Learn More About The Thread 52-Week Bible Study Curriculum

Tracing The Thread: A 52-Week Journey Through the Story of the Bible

Tracing The Thread: A 52-Week Journey Through the Story of the Bible is a daily devotion for teenagers that teaches them the big-picture story of God's Word from the beginning to the end.

The Bible. It’s God’s primary way of teaching us about Himself and His ways. But if we’re honest, the Bible can be confusing at times. Especially for teenagers. Part of this is the cultural and historical barrier; it was written a long time ago, in another language, in a culture very different from ours. But maybe the main reason the Bible can be confusing for teenagers is that they don’t truly understand how it works.

They don't get that it's a story. But when they grasp this concept, it changes everything. 

What's Included:

  • Weekly memory verses that tie the Gospel to the big-picture story of the Bible 
  • Icons that help teach God’s attributes to teenagers as they encounter them 
  • Questions and prompts to help teenagers apply the truths of what they’re learning

Lesson Overview

Part 1: Beginnings

Week 1: Introduction I Seeing The Gospel in All of Scripture
Week 2: Creation and Creation of Man
Week 3: Sin and the Fall
Week 4: The Faith of Noah and God's Hatred of Sin
Week 5: Abraham and the Birth of A People
Week 6: The Offering of Isaac
Week 7: Jacob's Ladder
Week 8: Joseph and His Brothers
Week 9: Moses and the Burning Bush
Week 10: Plagues and the Exodus
Week 11: Moses and the Red Sea
Week 12: The 10 Commandments
Week 13: Joshua and the Promised Land

Part 2: A People Rise, A People Fall

Week 1: The Period of the Judges
Week 2: Ruth and Redemption
Week 3: Saul and the Need for a King
Week 4: Samuel Anointing David
Week 5: David, Bathsheba, and Nathan
Week 6: David and the Psalms
Week 7: The Rise and Fall of Solomon
Week 8: The Divided Kingdom
Week 9: The Destruction of Israel and Judah
Week 10: The Prophets
Week 11: Daniel in Exile
Week 12: Nehemiah and Rebuilding
Week 13: Messianic Prophecy from Isaiah

Part 3: The Gospel Come to Life

Week 1: Jesus' Birth and the Shepherds
Week 2: John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism
Week 3: Temptation of Jesus
Week 4: The Calling of the Disciples
Week 5: Jesus Heals A Paralytic
Week 6: Jesus Feeds The 5,000
Week 7: Peter's Confession of Christ
Week 8: The Parable of the Lost Son
Week 9: The Raising of Lazarus
Week 10: The Last Supper
Week 11: Jesus' Arrest and Trial
Week 12: The Crucifixion and Burial
Week 13: The Resurrection

Part 4: The Gospel at Work

Week 1: Jesus Appears to Disciples and the Ascension
Week 2: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost
Week 3: A Picture of the Early Church
Week 4: The Murder of Stephen and Persecution
Week 5: Paul's Conversion and Mission
Week 6: A Letter from Paul, Part 1 (The Roman Road)
Week 7: A Letter from Paul, Part 2 (The Supremacy of Christ in Colossians 1)
Week 8: A Letter from Peter (The Priesthood of Believers)
Week 9: A Letter from James (Faith Must Be Lived Out)
Week 10: A Letter to the Hebrews (Pursuing Faith)
Week 11: A Letter from John (Known By Our Love from 1 John)
Week 12: A Revelation, Part 1 (The Wedding Feast)
Week 13: A Revelation, Part 2 (New Jerusalem and God Dwelling With His People)

  • The Thread Curriculum Devo Bundle includes:

    See What's Included in your 52-Week Study: 

    Interactive Leader Guides

    The Thread features biblically solid, highly interactive Leader's Guides. PDF and DOC versions included.

    Student Devotions

    The Thread features 5 short devotions per lesson, provided in image form to post to social media, as well as printable versions. Also, check out our Tracing the Thread 52-Week Devotional Journal that helps your students grow deeper alongside the weekly lessons in The Thread.

    Parent Pages

    Empower your parents to lead their teenager's discipleship journey through weekly parent pages, available in PDF and DOC versions.

    Promotional Artwork

    The Thread comes with social media images to help you make connections via social media outside of your group time.

    Presentation Background Images

    The Thread comes with background images sized to fit ProPresenter, PowerPoint, or any other presentation software you use.

    Teacher Prep Videos

    Each lesson features a short video that guides your teachers in how to prepare their lesson. 


Scope & Sequence

Scope & Sequence

Download a printable scope and sequence for the lessons contained in The Thread 52-Week Bible Study Curriculum.

Download Overview (PDF)
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Look Inside the Journal

Look Inside the Journal

Download a sample of Tracing the Thread: A 52-Week Journey Through the Story of the Bible.

Download Sample (PDF)

Schedule a call with Jake to take about your youth ministry Bible study.