Go Deeper Than Surface-Level
Move beyond the fun and games and teach with resources that are centered in God's Word and draw students closer to God. Activate: The Building Blocks of Faith examines 17 foundational elements of faith, each using a unique three-lesson framework:
The Trinity, God's Glory, Salvation, God's Love, God's Judgement, Grace, God's Mission, Discipleship, The Church, God's Kingdom, Persecution, Compassion, God's Faithfulness, Forgiveness, God's Presence, God's Knowledge, and God's Power.
Do your students hear these faith-centered topics and truly know how it impacts their daily lives?
Know Where Your Curriculum Is Going
YM360's Bible Study Curriculum is designed to exceed expectations and take care of the details so that youth workers can focus on what really matters—proclaiming the Gospel to their students.
Activate: The Building Blocks of Faith includes:
- Access for unlimited teachers within your church, regardless of attendance or church size
- Lesson plans with historical and Biblical background (PDF and DOC versions included)
- Teacher prep videos for each lesson allowing your leaders to prepare more easily
- Parent pages for each lesson to help empower your students' parents to lead their teenagers' discipleship process
- After-lesson devotional and social media suggestions to keep your students connected to the lessons during the week
- Presentation background images and promo art
We are confident that one of our Bible Study Curriculum options will meet the needs of your youth ministry, which is why we offer a 200% Guarantee. If one of our studies doesn't meet the needs of your group, we'll issue you a refund and allow you to continue using the material.
Speak Life Into Your Students
Anything lasting must be built on a firm foundation and the faith of students is no different. The Apostle Paul says that our very faith is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone,” and that our lives are being built to be a “dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:19-22). One of the most important things a youth worker can do is to help students build a solid faith foundation. That’s where Activate comes in.
Activate: The Building Blocks of Faith helps students lay the foundation of a lasting relationship with God through a study of the core concepts of their faith. Over the course of 52 weeks, Activate examines 17 foundational elements of faith, each using a unique three-lesson framework. Your students will journey through such important concepts as the Trinity, God’s glory, God’s grace, discipleship, salvation, and more.
If you want to give your students a lasting faith foundation, teach Activate.
- Lesson Overview
- Two Ways To Buy Activate
- What's Included
- Multi-Year Bundle Options
Lesson 1: Growing Our FaithTHE TRINITY
Lesson 2: God, One in Three
Lesson 3: The Savior Son
Lesson 4: The Spirit Alive and at WorkGOD’S GLORY
Lesson 5: Glory Defined
Lesson 6: Glory Displayed
Lesson 7: Glory to God Through UsSALVATION
Lesson 8: The God Who Saves
Lesson 9: Jesus = Salvation
Lesson 10: New Life, New PurposeGOD’S LOVE
Lesson 11: God Is Love
Lesson 12: Love’s Perfect Expression
Lesson 13: Loving OutwardGOD’S JUDGEMENT
Lesson 14: Seeing God as The Judge
Lesson 15: Death for Life
Lesson 16: Justice PatrolGRACE
Lesson 17: A Gracious God
Lesson 18: Ultimate Grace
Lesson 19: People of GraceGOD’S MISSION
Lesson 20: What Is the Mission?
Lesson 21: Jesus As Rescuer
Lesson 22: Mission AccomplishedDISCIPLESHIP
Lesson 23: The Call to Follow
Lesson 24: Nothing Less Than Following
Lesson 25: Winning by LosingTHE CHURCH
Lesson 26: The Big “C” Church
Lesson 27: The Church as The Body of Christ
Lesson 28: The Church UnitedGOD’S KINGDOM
Lesson 29: Who and Where
Lesson 30: Kingdom Now
Lesson 31: Carry the Kingdom With YouPERSECUTION
Lesson 32: Paying the Price
Lesson 33: Because Of Christ
Lesson 34: Our Attitude in PersecutionCOMPASSION
Lesson 35: Full of Compassion
Lesson 36: Compassion Revealed
Lesson 37: It Takes ActionGOD’S FAITHFULNESS
Lesson 38: Faithfulness from the Start
Lesson 39: The Ultimate Show of Faithfulness
Lesson 40: Living Out Our FaithFORGIVENESS
Lesson 41: The God Who Forgives
Lesson 42: Forgiveness Made Real
Lesson 43: People of ForgivenessGOD’S PRESENCE
Lesson 44: A God with His People
Lesson 45: God with Us
Lesson 46: A Perfected FutureGOD’S KNOWLEDGE
Lesson 47: The God Who Knows
Lesson 48: To Be Known
Lesson 49: Trusting in God’s KnowledgeGOD’S POWER
Lesson 50: He’s Got it All
Lesson 51: He’s Over it All
Lesson 52: It’s in Us
Scope and Sequence
Download Overview (PDF)Download a printable scope and sequence, containing every lesson title.
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We are confident a 52-week Bible Study Curriculum by YM360 will meet the needs of your Youth Ministry. We're so confident that we're offering you the exclusive Bible Study Curriculum by YM360 200% Guarantee. Try the study out, at no risk to you today. You'll obviously love it, so you'll want to keep the study, but if you use it and feel like it doesn't meet the needs of your youth ministry, we will issue you a full refund on the spot, and you can even keep the study. We're that confident that you will love your study and that it will make an impact on your ministry.
What Youth Workers Are Saying
First let me say I really enjoy going through my YM360 curriculum with our students. The units don't shy away from the tough subjects, but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible. (This is hard to come by when you live 2 miles from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary).
Our students are engaged with the lessons and I know myself and several other leaders love the layout of the lessons. You guys do a great job with making the lesson seamless.
I just wanted to say thank you for the teachings that you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader. So once again, thank you for the teachings that have been so carefully prepared and structured for teens!
Loving our YM360 curriculum! You guys are so good at building a whole vision and not just giving you a lesson! Thank you!
Our adult teachers are very impressed with the lessons in your studies, and the students enjoy it as well. Thank you for providing excellence in your ministry!
Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!