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Youth Worker BOOST: Progression

Youth Worker BOOST: Progression

ym360 knows youth workers. We know what an incredibly rewarding, yet incredibly challenging job youth ministry can be. There are days when your spirits are sky-high, and there are days when you could use a bit of a “pick me up” from God's Word . . . That's why we're happy to offer Youth Worker Boost, one of the many valuable resources on the ym360 Blog.

Boost is a short, weekly piece of encouragement designed to, well, “boost” your spirits and encourage you as you minister to students. We consider it yet another great opportunity to serve you and your ministry.

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"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”--Psalm 1:1-2

We know the Book of Psalms is made up of songs about humankind’s fears, struggles, and praises offered to God. Some scholars believe that the first Psalm is a perfect introduction to many of the themes covered throughout the book. Psalm 1 opens with the statement, "blessed is the man . . ."

So how does a person live a blessed or happy life?

The Psalmist says the blessed person does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. This is less about our interactions with actual people, and more about our interactions with sin itself. Notice all three actions are in a progression.First we associate with sin, then we accept it, and finally we act on it. This is a dangerous cycle.

If you want to model for our students a blessed life that pleases God, we need to recognize and address this progressive sin-cycle in our lives.

Our prayer for you: Our prayer for you today is that you would partner with the Spirit in striving to live a holy and blessed life, not out of a sense of legalism, but out of a sense of joy and love for Christ.


Last Week's BOOST: I Didn't Know That

Next Week's BOOST: Delightful Things


Get more BOOST articles HERE!


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