Youth Worker BOOST: Foundation
ym360 knows youth workers. We know what an incredibly rewarding, yet incredibly challenging job youth ministry can be. There are days when your spirits are sky-high, and there are days when you could use a bit of a “pick me up” from God's Word . . . That's why we're happy to offer Youth Worker Boost, one of the many valuable resources on the ym360 Blog.
Boost is a short, weekly piece of encouragement designed to, well, “boost” your spirits and encourage you as you minister to students. We consider it yet another great opportunity to serve you and your ministry.
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"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
Here’s a true story . . . Sammy Taylor is the pastor of Mountain View Baptist Church in Phil Campbell, Alabama. (And, yes, that’s really the name of the town.) He told me that when the church built a new worship center in 1996 they placed a Bible in the concrete foundation right under where the pastor would stand to preach each Sunday.
On April 27, 2011, an F-5 tornado tore through his town and completely destroyed the church.
During the rebuilding process the old foundation was removed to make way for the new building. In the broken pieces of concrete a construction worker found the Bible from 1996, perfectly preserved in a plastic bag. Sammy said they put the Bible in the concrete under the pulpit because he wanted the worship at his church to literally be standing on a foundation of God’s word.
Anything built to last must have a solid foundation. What about your student ministry programs, teaching times, goals, and plans? Are they founded on a deep understanding and closeness with God? These things don't come outside of a commitment to the Bible as primary.
What can you do to insure that a knowledge and love of God, as can only be found through His Word, is the foundation of your ministry?
Our prayer for you: Our prayer for you is that your focus would be leading students to know God through a commitment to His Word.
Last Week's BOOST: The Long And Good Life
Next Week's BOOST: Little Girl Lost
Want more BOOST? Get it HERE!
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