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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Linked Post: 5 Thoughts On Leading Students On A Mission Trip

Linked Post: 5 Thoughts On Leading Students On A Mission Trip

Justin Knowles is a youth worker who contributes a ton of great content to the blog over at

This is a post that looks at five thoughts that will make you more effective at leading mission trips

Below is a portion of Justin's post with a link to the original article below. Click on the link to head over to and read the rest of the article.

This past weekend our student ministries went on our local missions trip in some nearby cities. We had a ton of jr. high and high school students give up their Memorial Day weekend (even some students give up going to their prom to serve), pretty incredible. It was such a great weekend. 3 days of different serve projects, night-time sessions and growing together. It is one of my favorite trips we do all year-long. When I got home I was thinking about trip and had some thoughts on leading a mission trip with students.

Have Open Hands

If you have ever run a missions trip before, you know there is a ton of planning and hard work that go into the details before the trip even begins. When we get out to do those things, not everything goes as pretty as it looked on paper. Don’t grasp on to your plan with closed fists, have open hands. Be flexible. Something might happen to switch it up and instead of freaking out, relax. Sometimes God moves in some big ways even if we didn’t plan them and we don’t want to miss them because we were holding on to our plans too tightly.

CLICK HERE to head over to and read the rest of the article.

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