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10 (Random) Youth Ministry Thoughts: Vol. 3

10 (Random) Youth Ministry Thoughts: Vol. 3

It's that time again. As the Summer turns to Fall and youth ministries across the country are kicking things back into high gear, we thought it was time for another installment of 10 (Random) Youth Ministry Thoughts. 

This is where I share some of the loose youth ministry/discipleship truths that are too short for a blog post, and too long for a tweet. (To read the other installments in the series CLICK HERE.)

So without further ado, here are 10 MORE random youth ministry thoughts. 

  1. For most teenagers, we are one of the dozens and dozens of voices that will shape their lives. They will remember some of what we say. But mostly, they will remember the quality of our relationship. They will remember whether or not we truly cared. 
  2. Our current faith-climate is dominated by hot button issues. It’s important that we you teach students what the Bible says about these issues with as much integrity and diligence as we can. But I believe it’s as equally important to teach students how to disagree with other Christ-followers with grace. We might not agree with our brothers and sisters. But if they are saved by Christ, they are family. Model for your teenagers gracious and respectful disagreement.
  3. No matter what we say, our teenagers will model the brand of faith they see us living. This is true for us. It’s way more true for their parents.
  4. One of the main challenges as disciple makers is that every single time we teach from the Bible, we need to weave in the Gospel. This practice should define who we are as leaders.
  5. You will make mistakes. We all do. It’s inevitable. You don’t win by not making mistakes. You win in how you deal with them. Unequivocally owning the mistakes we make with teenagers and their parents is the only way to go. Own your mistake, do whatever you have to do to make it right, and learn from it. That’s all anyone can expect from us.
  6. You’re students will make mistakes, too. Treat them with the grace you want others to treat you with.
  7. Disciple making is "two steps forward, one back kind of work." Don’t be discouraged when things don’t go well. Keep moving forward.
  8. Complex doesn’t necessarily always mean better. Sometimes simple is better. This is true in a lot of things in life. It is especially true in youth ministry.
  9. You don’t have to be a theologian to lead teenagers closer to Christ. But we must all understand how truly damaging bad theology can be. The stakes are high.
  10. I've learned that to stay motivated we absolutely have to take a long-term view to discipleship. Lasting results don’t happen over night. If you can’t invest for the long-term, leave it for someone else. People are projects. Real relationship takes commitment. 




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