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Santa Drop

YM360+ Membership Discount

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Santa Drop is a super jolly, Christmas version of one of our favorite games, Donut Drop. Just have a student yell, "Drop!" and watch as a Santa jumps from his sleigh, bounces through the pegs, and hopefully lands in one of five chimneys! The coolest part about this game is that you can hit a button that completely slows down time in the game! This is perfect for those moments when it looks like the Santa is about to fall into a chimney. Just hit the button and everything runs in slow motion! It's a ton of fun! 

What makes this a premium game?

Premium games are those that you can play over and over again as the outcomes of our premium games are never the same! Watch the video to the left to learn all about how this premium game works. Games that are "one and done" are a part of our Classic Game catalog and those can be seen here.

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  • Instructions
  • Getting Started: 

    • Just hit the spacebar to drop a Santa. If you want to slow down time, hit the enter key on your keyboard. When you want to return to normal speed, hit the enter key again. That's it! Super easy! 


    • Like most (if not all) of our games, you can make up the rules and gameplay. Here's how a basic game would work: Select a few students to compete for a gift or something like that. One by one, have them yell, "Drop!" when they want their Santa to drop. 
    • Just have the person, who is operating the computer, hit the spacebar. The small chimney is worth 10 points. The two bigger chimneys are worth 5 points each. Finally, the two largest chimneys are worth 3 points each. Allow each student to drop 3 Santas. The person with the most points wins!
    • Note: The more Santas on the ground means the better chance someone has to make theirs in a chimney. So, you can either allow each person to drop 3 Santas, but everyone has to take turns dropping one Santa at a time, or you can have someone drop their three Santas, add up their score, then hit "r" on the keyboard to clear the Santas for the next person. Otherwise, the person, who is last to drop their Santas, will have a huge advantage over other Santa droppers. 
    • Another note: Dropping too many Santas at once will slow you down. For the best performance, avoid having more than 5 Santas bouncing around at the same time.