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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -

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    The Least Of These: God, Poverty, and You


    The Least of These: God, Poverty, and You is a 4-session Bible study that will help your students see the vital role God has chosen them to play in easing the burden of the poor and needy.

Free Stuff

  • Student Ministry Postcards


    Handwritten notes are rare these days. In a world of DMs and quick texts, a handwritten postcard goes a long way in showing someone that they matter. Whether it’s a student who is MIA, a leader who is crushing it, or someone who just needs some encouragement, these postcards give you a simple, meaningful way to connect. Whether you’re celebrating a big win with someone or simply checking in, these cards are an intentional way to show that you care for them. Grab your FREE download of Student Ministry Postcards and get to writing! These postcards include a creative design on the front and a place on the back to write a short note. Enjoy these five different postcards to communicate:

    • We miss you
    • You did something awesome
    • Thank you
    • Happy birthday
    • Just saying hey

  • COUNTDOWN TO A CHECKUP: A Guide For Personal Reflection, Assessment, & Evaluation


    For December’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 wants to wrap up this calendar year (See what we did there?) by reminding you once again that as a youth ministry leader, what you do is a calling—what you do matters! As the holiday season rolls into full swing and 2023 comes to a close, many within our youth ministry tribe are limping across the finish line—feeling worn out, burnt out, beat up, or ready to bail out. That’s why this holiday season, we want to give you the gift of a soul-care time out by providing this FREE soul-care resource to inspire, equip, and invite you into a time of reflection, assessment, and evaluation of the previous year’s journey while also providing an opportunity to look ahead and chart the course forward for ourselves, our families, and the ministries we lead. Don’t walk into a 2024 with your soul’s tank on empty or your spirit on life support. Don’t let weariness cause you to question your impact. Don’t let the grind of ministry rob you or the other youth workers in your community of this incredibly unique calling. Download Countdown To A Checkup: A Guide For Personal Reflection, Assessment, & Evaluation today and share the link with other youth ministry leaders in your community. Enter the new year refreshed, refocused, renewed, and ready to chart the course forward for yourself, your family, and the ministry you have been called to lead!

  • Youth Ministry Budget Template


    Let’s be real. Youth ministry can feel like a wild ride, and sometimes, trying to manage your budget can feel harder than herding cats. You’re juggling pizza boxes, putting out fires, trying to stretch that dollar, and keeping it all organized. Introducing the Youth Ministry Budget Template! This free template can be your best friend when it comes to tracking every dollar in your budget – from snacks to events and everything in between. Whether you’re trying to figure out how many Bibles you need for graduation or how much glitter you need for a girl’s event, we’ve got you covered. Plus, tracking and managing your budget will make your accounting team happy, and everyone knows that’s a positive! With this easy-to-use, downloadable template in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, you can keep your budget in check and ensure you’re managing your budget successfully. The best part of this template is it is FREE and able to be customized for your ministry as you begin planning the upcoming year.

  • H.E.A.R. Bible Reading Plan Bundle


    For September’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 is here to help you and your ministry guide your students to a deeper connection with God and His Word. And to make it easy, we’re giving you a H.E.A.R. method Bible reading plan graphics package.  Help your students start the new school year off with a helpful and practical Bible reading method. Whether you challenge them to read through a book of the Bible at a time or to start a reading plan with a friend, the H.E.A.R. method is here to guide them through Scripture. And the best part? This graphics package is 100% FREE. Yup, free! It includes a PDF bookmark file that you can print and hand out, a social post to challenge your students online and even a slide to throw up on a screen while you teach. Download YM360’s H.E.A.R. for FREE today and help equip your students to a deeper connection with God and His Word.

  • Get 3 FREE lessons of our newest year-long Bible study!


    The world is full of deception and distraction, especially for young believers. You feel like you are doing everything you can to stay ahead of what your students are facing, but there are still days where it just doesn’t seem like enough. That is why YM360’s year-long curriculum Anchored, is here to help.  

    Try YM360's newest Bible Study Curriculum, Anchored for FREE! Click the link below to get 3 lessons emailed to you!

  • A Week Of Student Devotions From Joel Lusz


    For May’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 wants to introduce you and the students within your span of care to an amazing and 100% FREE discipleship resource from our friend and YM360 author, Joel Lusz. This full week of student devotions is a sample from Joel’s 12-Month Student Discipleship Journal. This is an incredible resource comprised of short, dedicated, daily readings of God’s Word along with some pointed reflection questions and interactive prompts that will help your students engage the Scripture, learn about God and His Word, and discover more of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Download this TOTALLY FREE week of student devotions from Joel today and provide your students with a catalyst for building the habits of daily Scripture reading, reflection, application, and prayer.

  • Student Response Card


    For January’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 wants to join you and your ministry in ringing in the New Year! To do that, we’re providing you with a simple, field-tested, and fully customizable Student Response Card that anyone can use to lead students to new life (abundant life---life to the full) that can only be found in/through Jesus Christ (John 10:10; 14:6) this new year. This Student Response Card is a powerful tool that offers step-by-step instructions for pointing a student to salvation in Jesus Christ and efficiently gathers their essential contact information for seamless follow-up. Download YM360’s Student Response Card for FREE today and equip your ministry with the resources it needs to joyfully celebrate, effectively respond to, and thoughtfully follow up on the new life in Christ taking place in your ministry this new year. 

  • Game For Your Youth Ministry - Sit Down If


    Hey youth workers, SIT DOWN IF you are consistently scrambling every fall to come up with yet another fun and engaging game for your next Sunday morning, Sunday night, mid-week service, retreat, or outreach event. Anyone still standing? Probably not. That’s why, for October’s Freebie Friday, the mad geniuses of game science at YM360 labs are here to present you with something you have been waiting for—yes, even more than the start of pumpkin spice everything—a 100% FREE game called Sit Down If. This all-play game has been specifically formulated to be fun, engaging, easy to play, fully customizable, and sure to become a favorite that your students will want to play again and again! So, why are you still sitting down? Click that “ADD TO CART” button and let your friends from YM360 hook you up with another 100% Free game for your youth ministry! 

  • ASPECTS—A Daily Bible Study/Personal Quiet Time Method


    For September’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 wants to provide you with a FREE, simple, reliable, and field-tested Bible Study tool that can be an absolute game-changer for how your students approach and engage with God’s Word. The ASPECTS: Daily Bible Study/Personal Quiet Time Method is not just an acronym; it's a roadmap to personal transformation and spiritual growth. By following this clear, easy-to-follow, and compelling framework, your students will embark on a journey of growth and discovery like never before. The ASPECTS: Daily Bible Study/Personal Quiet Time Method is an incredible tool that you can place into the hands of your students that has the potential to transform their daily quiet times from an obligation to a time of spiritual transformation, making the Bible's teachings more accessible, relevant, and impactful. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to equip your students with a way to engage with Scripture on their own in a dynamic and purposeful way, fostering growth, transformation, and a deeper connection with God and His Word. Download The ASPECTS: Daily Bible Study/Personal Quiet Time Method for FREE today and give your students the tools they need to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and discovery like never before!

  • This Foolish Calling


    For August’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 wants to remind you, your volunteers, and the other youth workers in your community that what you do is a calling—what you do matters! Look, we know full well that as summer 2023 comes to a close and the realization begins to set in that the launch of a brand new ministry year is only weeks away, many within our youth ministry tribe are feeling worn out, burnt out, or ready to bail out. That’s why we are calling you to take a brief soul-care time out and providing this FREE soul-care resource to inspire you and those who serve alongside you with the uniqueness and Kingdom impact of This Foolish Calling. Don’t walk into a new ministry year with your soul’s tank on empty. Don’t let weariness cause your team or volunteers to question their impact. Don’t let the grind of ministry rob other youth workers in your community of what God has called them to. Download This Foolish Calling today and enter a new ministry year—fully alive, filled with the Spirit, and with a full understanding of who you are and what you’re called to!

  • M2P's Contract Pack


    August’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 and MinistryToParents.Com has put together this pack of five sets of editable contracts to serve the parents/guardians of the students in your ministry. These resources provide the parent/guardian with an incredible communication tool that sets them and their teenagers up for success in five areas notorious for creating contention and stress.

  • 10 (Awesome) Easter Devotions


    This FREE 10-day Easter Devotional is guaranteed to prepare and challenge your students through an interactive and Scripture-based approach to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each devotional day offers your students a chronological look into the events surrounding Jesus' last days on earth, along with questions for introspection and key takeaways from Scripture.

  • Three Summer Games Bundle


    For June’s Freebie Friday, the mad geniuses of game science at YM360 labs are coming in hot with not one…not two…but THREE SUMMER GAMES for you to use to beat the heat and bring the fun this summer. Each of these FREE youth ministry games is designed to be affordable to create, engaging, easy to play, customizable to your group size, and sure to become a favorite of your students! So why sweat it this summer trying to create a game for your summer event, mid-week, or outreach? Instead, let your friends from YM360 melt away the stress with this THREE SUMMER GAMES BUNDLE for your youth ministry for 100% FREE.

  • Three Free Five-Minute Summer Countdown Videos


    For July’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 is on a mission to help you keep those summer spirits high by offering you not one, not two, but THREE sizzling hot and 100% FREE five-minute summer countdowns. Don’t get burned by using those same old tired, and worn-out countdown videos this summer. Instead, turn up the heat by using one of these scorchers to kick off your next weekend service, mid-week gathering, parent meeting, leader training, summer camp, or event with style.

  • Three Five-Minute Spring Countdown Videos


    For April’s Freebie Friday, the team at YM360 is on a mission to help you keep your spirits in full bloom by offering you not one, not two, but THREE springtastic and 100% FREE five-minute spring countdowns. Don’t be that youth worker who still falls back on showing those same old tired, and worn-out countdown videos that you were using when it got dark outside at 4 pm. Instead, by spring forward and flower by using one of these fresh five-minute countdown videos to kick off your next weekend service, mid-week gathering, leader appreciation, summer camp parent meeting, or event with style.

  • Fall Countdown Videos + A Christmas Countdown Video


    We get it – you’re not just the youth ministry expert at your church; you’re also the unofficial, unpaid church video creator! So, why not treat yourself to something better than an overpriced Pumpkin Spice latte and let YM360 do your heavy lifting? This year, you won’t have to buy, create, or surf the internet for a countdown video. YM360 has you covered! We’re bringing you three 5-minute countdown videos and one 60-second countdown video for your ministry gatherings, and they all scream fall is here, and here’s the best part – they’re totally FREE! Not only are we giving you the fall countdown videos, but we’re also including a free 5-minute Christmas countdown video! Yep, that’s right! Christmas is just around the corner. So, here’s one less thing you need to buy for your Christmas gathering this year. Consider this an early Christmas gift from us to you!