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Youth Pastor Training and Leadership

  • [5 Lesson Course] Youth Ministry 2027 (Part 1)


    Could disruption and doubt be gifts of the Spirit that move us (and the students we work with) beyond our comfortable categories and into a wild and holy trek taking us “further up” and “further in”? Could the desperation so many churches and youth workers feel about their future and the uncontrolled velocity of our culture be the ants in the pants the church needs to move us beyond a Gospel that has been reduced to showing up for meetings and not causing a stir? In part one of this three-part module, author Brock Morgan tackles the consistent elements of yesterday and today, like character development, individuation, and doubt; but he invites all of us along as the capital-C “Church” into greater collaboration as we partner with students to creatively form the ministry of tomorrow. You’ll find yourself encouraged by how you are practicing youth ministry and challenged to think differently, so you don’t hold on too tightly.

  • [7 Lesson Course] Teaching Teenagers In A Post Christian World


    As youth workers, we are in a tough spot these days. On the one hand, we're finding that teenagers who have little to no church background and Bible literacy tend to be hyper tolerant of all religious views except for Christianity. On the other hand, students who grew up in the church and have heard all of the right answers are still struggling to articulate their beliefs and live them out day to day.

    When these two realities combine in youth ministry, they can make teaching teenagers about spiritual things an infuriating experience. It can feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. So maybe it s time we try something different when it comes to teaching theology to our students.Maybe it’s time we shift from being a content dispenser to a conversation cultivator. Maybe it's time we stop treating teenagers like consumers and instead start creating learning environments that lead to faith exploration and ownership.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Cultivating A Lifestyle of Missions


    We know we want to have our students living a life on mission. Yet, oftentimes, we find ourselves providing “one-off” trips that create Instagram memories and some great stories…but little more. So, how do we create lasting opportunities that call students to “live on mission” far beyond the specific mission trip? Corey Watson will dig a little deeper in this three-lesson module and explore that answers to that question.

  • [5 Lesson Course] Operate In Strength & Defend Weaknesses In Your Ministry


    Youth ministry changes quickly depending on what's going on in the church, what's happening in the culture, the makeup of the current students involved in the ministry, and literally hundreds of other factors. These changes often go unnoticed because we, as youth ministry leaders, are too busy or assume nothing has changed. If we don't take a step back and assess our ministry, we are in danger of becoming less effective in our reach and discipleship. Having recently stepped into a couple of new ministry environments, each with its own unique contexts, I learned just how much value there is in the ability to quickly and accurately assess each context. With my degree in business combined with a fair amount of youth ministry experience, it occurred to me that the ability to perform a SWOT analysis could be a real game-changer for youth ministry leaders. So, in this five-lesson module, I will break down a SWOT analysis for you and discuss how to apply it to your youth ministry. 

  • [3 Lesson Course] How To Develop A Counseling Model for Baptism


    In the journey of faith, the decision to be baptized marks a significant milestone for many individuals, particularly students, who are embarking on their spiritual path. It is a moment of profound significance, signifying their commitment to follow Christ and embrace the teachings of Christianity. In navigating the complexities of guiding students through the baptismal journey, a multifaceted approach that prioritizes timely action, is intentional with inclusive discussions, and one that sits on a solid foundation rooted in Scripture is indispensable. In this three-lesson module, we will discuss how to create a baptism counseling strategy that approaches the subject of baptism with humility, openness, and reverence—one that engages in meaningful dialogue, listening attentively to the voices of tradition, Scripture, and the Spirit. And one that extends grace and hospitality to all who seek to explore the depths of faith.

  • [3 Lesson Course] The Art of Change


    Whether in life or in ministry, change is inevitable. Hopefully, no student ministry leader says yes to the Lord’s calling or His leading, only to “give it a little while to see how it goes.” But change is part of life, and as ministry leaders, we need to be able to navigate change well. The Art of Change is a comprehensive guide written to help you navigate the transitions within youth ministry with grace and purpose. In this three-lesson module, we will explore essential strategies for departing from a ministry role with integrity, seamlessly transitioning into a new role with confidence, and maximizing personal growth during the interim period. Whether you’re a seasoned youth pastor or embarking on your first ministry position, this module will equip and challenge you to navigate change effectively, ensuring a smooth transition and continued personal and professional development.

  • [4 Lesson Course] What I Learned When I Quit Social Media


    Social media consumes more than our time. It distracts us from what’s most important. It takes away part of our humanity. Most importantly, whether we care to admit it or not, it affects the condition of our souls. You can certainly use social media, and it can serve a purpose in your life and ministry, but ministry leaders, we need to stop looking at social media as a necessity for human connectivity. In this four-lesson, Brian Housman will share three big lessons that he learned during his social media sabbatical with the hope of helping you to ponder your own relationship with social media.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Mission Trip Planning


    Written by Zach Tucker. The Great Commission, as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20, provides a fundamental command for believers to go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe the teachings of Jesus. This command serves as the foundation for various aspects of Christian ministry, including student ministry missions. The imperative to make disciples among students and their families underscores the significance of developing a comprehensive student ministry missions strategy. This strategy is essential for nurturing a deep understanding of sharing the gospel and cultivating a sense of purpose among students. In this three-lesson module, we delve into the transformative power of short-term missions in student ministry, examining how such experiences impact students, parents, and the overall church community.

  • [4 Lesson Course] Slaying Biblical Illiteracy: Helping Teenagers Trust God's Word (Part 2)


    Written by Matt Andrews. For years now, youth workers and church volunteers have lamented that teens don't know basic Bible stories. But have you noticed more and more teens don't know anything about the Bible at all? Even though there are plenty of teen Bible study aids available, there's a giant gap between these tools and the total biblical illiteracy of many we're trying to reach.

    Slaying Biblical Illiteracy contains practical tips, as well as group and individual exercises, that will inspire youth to experience God's Word for themselves. Learn to use the same creative skills you use to plan retreats and youth group games to bring the Bible to life using the unexpected in fun ways that will grab and keep your teens' attention. Learn how to help youth work through their trust issues with Scripture and learn Bible study methods you can try out as a group, so that your youth are empowered to study the Bible for themselves, slaying biblical illiteracy and unlocking the influence of God s Word in their daily lives.

  • [4 Lesson Course] Slaying Biblical Illiteracy: Helping Teenagers Trust God's Word (Part 1)


    Written by Matt Andrews. For years now, youth workers and church volunteers have lamented that teens don't know basic Bible stories. But have you noticed more and more teens don't know anything about the Bible at all? Even though there are plenty of teen Bible study aids available, there's a giant gap between these tools and the total biblical illiteracy of many we're trying to reach. Slaying Biblical Illiteracy contains practical tips, as well as group and individual exercises, that will inspire youth to experience God's Word for themselves. Learn to use the same creative skills you use to plan retreats and youth group games to bring the Bible to life using the unexpected in fun ways that will grab and keep your teens' attention. Learn how to help youth work through their trust issues with Scripture and learn Bible study methods you can try out as a group, so that your youth are empowered to study the Bible for themselves, slaying biblical illiteracy and unlocking the influence of God s Word in their daily lives.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Slaying the Sacred Cows in Your Ministry: What to Keep & What to Kill


    Written by Corey Watson. Every ministry has them. Maybe you created them. Maybe you inherited them. We all have them, though. What are "they"? Sacred cows. Events, programs, or calendar moments that maybe you wish weren't on the calendar, but you also feel like you HAVE to have them on there. How do you get rid of them if they need to go? What do you do if you can't get rid of them? What do you do to change them if you keep them? This three-lesson module will explore how to deal effectively with sacred cows in your ministry.

  • [4 Lesson Course] A Youth Worker's Field Guide To Parents (Part 3)


    Written by Dr. Danny Kwon. Parenting well is the hardest job on the planet. Partnering with parents in youth ministry may be the second hardest job. You've probably studied teenagers' needs, their culture, and even their ever-changing lingo in preparation to be the most dynamic youth worker your church has ever seen. But when was the last time you studied their parents? What are their fears? What motivates their decisions? And why do some of them seem so hard to please? A Youth Worker's Field Guide to Parents is for youth workers who struggle to communicate with and relate to the moms and dads of the teenagers they want to reach the most. Whether you're a veteran youth worker or just starting out, or a church leader who wants to embrace parents more effectively, this three-part module will provide you with tips for peacemaking, insights for better empathy, and the motivation you need to make these important relationships work.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Come To A Quiet Place: Jesus' Invitation To Rest


    Written by  Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31 NIV). This is Jesus’ response to the disciples when they tell him about all they’ve been doing in ministry. Jesus’ response is not a call for the disciples to keep going. He doesn’t say, “Okay, great: here’s your next ministry assignment. You’ve been faithful with a few things, now here’s a few more.” Nor is Jesus’ response an invitation to debrief the Sunday service (so to speak). Jesus doesn’t offer any of that—there’s no instant replay of the week’s activities or darkened office invitations to the disciples to “to talk about their ministry performance.” There’s not even a word of affirmation about all that they’ve done. What Jesus offers is an invitation to rest. Have you ever heard this call in your own life? Heard it in a real, tangible, curling your toes inside your favorite fluffy socks, real-life kind of way? Thought this six-lessons of this module, we’ll be looking in greater detail at Jesus’ invitation to rest through Mark’s version of the feeding of the five thousand.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Hosea: Salvation Through Wilderness


    Written by Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. The Book of Hosea sits squarely within the corpus of the Minor Prophets, what many scholars refer to as The Book of the Twelve. This collection spans many centuries of history in the lives of God’s people, Israel. This history covers the collapse of Israel, the northern half of the kingdom, to the nation of Assyria; the exile and displacement of Judah, the southern half of the kingdom, to the nation of Babylon; and the return of the exiled Judahites back to their land and the subsequent rebuilding of their lives following that return. Over the course of this six-lesson module, we will explore the wilderness tradition together through one of its primary intertexts—the prophet Hosea’s use of wilderness imagery in the 8th century BCE. In particular, Saint Jerome’s statement about the barrenness of the desert experience. 

  • [5 Lesson Course] A Youth Worker's Field Guide To Parents (Part 2)


    Written by Dr. Danny Kwon. Parenting well is the hardest job on the planet. Partnering with parents in youth ministry may be the second hardest job. You've probably studied teenagers' needs, their culture, and even their ever-changing lingo in preparation to be the most dynamic youth worker your church has ever seen. But when was the last time you studied their parents? What are their fears? What motivates their decisions? And why do some of them seem so hard to please? A Youth Worker's Field Guide to Parents is for youth workers who struggle to communicate with and relate to the moms and dads of the teenagers they want to reach the most. Whether you're a veteran youth worker or just starting out, or a church leader who wants to embrace parents more effectively, this three-part module will provide you with tips for peacemaking, insights for better empathy, and the motivation you need to make these important relationships work.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Jonah: A Deep Dive Into The Spiritual Formation Of A Reluctant Prophet


    Written by Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. The ancient story of Jonah is so much more than a mere caricature of a story about a “prophet and a big fish.” In this six-lesson module, we’ll do a deep dive into the text of Jonah, giving attention to the different aspects of God’s character and our spiritual formation and ministerial lives. Through this deep dive, we will discover God as Creator, God as Deliverer, a God who cares about our disappointment in ministry, a God who cares about us in spite of our disobedience, a God who attends to our depression, a God who is with us in our waiting, and a God who is compassionate about the whole world (even the people we despise).

  • [4 Lesson Course] A Youth Worker's Field Guide To Parents (Part 1)


    Written by Dr. Danny Kwon. Parenting well is the hardest job on the planet. Partnering with parents in youth ministry may be the second hardest job. You've probably studied teenagers' needs, their culture, and even their ever-changing lingo in preparation to be the most dynamic youth worker your church has ever seen. But when was the last time you studied their parents? What are their fears? What motivates their decisions? And why do some of them seem so hard to please? A Youth Worker's Field Guide to Parents is for youth workers who struggle to communicate with and relate to the moms and dads of the teenagers they want to reach the most. Whether you're a veteran youth worker or just starting out, or a church leader who wants to embrace parents more effectively, this three-part module will provide you with tips for peacemaking, insights for better empathy, and the motivation you need to make these important relationships work.

  • [8 Lesson Course] Planning A Retreat


    Written by Josh Haight. Everyone loves a good retreat, right? I know I do. But if you’ve never planned one, there are more than a few things we could easily forget to think about. Though our programming or messages may be the primary focus, neglecting these other things may create more headaches than you care to navigate. In this eight-lesson module, we will look at all the things that go into planning a great retreat: vision, identifying your target audience, programming, recruiting a team, communication, logistics, follow-up, and problem-solving.

  • [4 Lesson Course] A Youth Leader's Guide To Understanding The Apocrypha


    Written by Heather Quiroz. Teaching students the Bible can feel overwhelming. So much history exists between its pages. Many of the customs that were common during the time in which the Bible was written are extremely unfamiliar to us today. Therefore, the Bible can feel a little bit more like a crossword puzzle than a road map to easily follow. After all, the Jewish people had a distinct identity and way of life. They were steeped in a rich cultural heritage that influenced how they wrote and why they communicated in the manner in which they did. As intimidating as all of this might feel, removing ourselves from the Jewish roots from which our Messiah was produced can have drastic consequences for our understanding of Scripture. Therefore, having a deeper appreciation for the group of people who produced our Messiah has the ability to radically bless our faith and the faith of the teenagers we minister to. Therefore, understanding books that are outside the Biblical canon yet played a very influential role in the history and development of the Jewish nation can have something valuable to teach us. This, in turn, helps us become better teachers of the Bible when we have a better understanding of the cultural milieu that influenced the historical backdrop of the Jewish people.

  • [7 Lesson Course] Questions Every Youth Worker Must Answer To Effectively Meet Students Where They Are Versus Where We Want Them To Be


    Written by Kerry Ray. Do you ever wonder why it feels so difficult for you to gain any real traction with the students you are leading? It's probably not breaking news to learn that teenagers are busier and more distracted than ever. By most estimates, a "regular attendee" is defined as a student who shows up around 1.7 times each month. On top of that, recent studies suggest that teenagers are dropping out of the church in record numbers, with 80% saying they're doing so simply because they've lost interest or stopped seeing the church as necessary to their life. So what are you doing to address this when it comes to your students and your ministry context? Do you recognize and account for the differences between Generation Z and Alpha in your approach to ministering to them? Have you examined, tweaked, or started to strategize new ways to meet this generation of students where there are rather than where you want them to be? In this 7-session module, we'll ask some thought-provoking questions and identify some practical steps every youth worker or small group leader can take to address these issues, cut through the noise, re-evaluate our approach, and effectively meet students where they are versus where we want them to be.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Gleaning in the Fields With Ruth


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. The Church has often assumed the book of Ruth to be a rural little love story, an Ancient Near Eastern version of a Hallmark movie. A young, grieving widow travels to a foreign country and marries a wealthy, handsome landowner. The story ends with them holding a baby, living happily ever after. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the book of Ruth teases out ancient Israelite tensions about foreignness and prejudice. It deals with the themes of scarcity and lack, barrenness and bereavement, overflowing generosity, and especially, questions about who God is in the midst of suffering. While we are much removed from its ancient customs, the book of Ruth has much to teach us thematically and theologically about life with God and with neighbor.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Freely & Lightly: Introducing The Spiritual Disciplines


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. What are the words that resonate most with you in this season of your ministry? Do the words tired, worn out, or burned out on religion describe the state of your soul? Has serving the Kingdom become something you dread rather than delighted in? The longer we give ourselves to ministry, the more we understand that the words from Jesus found in Matthew 11:28-30 are not aspirational. For us to be sustained in ministry, they must become our lived reality. Amid busy ministry seasons, Jesus invites us to take a real rest. Jesus invites us into the overflowing, ever-deepening, unforced rhythms of grace. You’ve been teaching other people about this life for a long time. It’s time you remembered it for yourself. 

  • [6 Lesson Course] Discovering The World Behind The Text, Of The Text, & In Front Of The Text Of Genesis 1-11


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. Within this 6-lesson module, we'll enter what we think to be familiar territory with the first few stories in Genesis. These are stories we believe we know well until we read them again and discover that there are places in the text we didn't notice before or that our Sunday School experiences were omitted due to the things that weren't palatable for us as children. There are some hard stories in this collection of texts. That's probably why we don't hear them preached very often. Nevertheless, these are important stories, so I want to dive into the things that I think we as ministers need to know about the book of Genesis: the world "behind" the text, the world "of" the text, and the world "in front of" the text.

  • [3 Lesson Course] Creating A Missional Culture Of Gospel-Centered Teenagers


    By Team YM360. If you start with "The Bible says," or in some way assume they already know much about the Gospel, you are, in effect, asking them to understand a clear that you understand clearly, but they don't, and they have no picture giving them a framework to start with. Not having a big picture to help put the pieces of life in perspective can be frustrating. Thankfully, God never intended for us to be without a clear picture of our life's purpose and direction. Instead, God gave us a big picture of life in order that we could live according to His design. It's only when we live according to this bigger picture, God's story, that our individual piece of the story makes sense. That's why understanding the Gospel story is vital to our witness. But it's also vital to teach this to our students today. This learn module will walk you through how to do just that!