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YM360 Event Resources

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Exchange and lead your students on a journey to see everything through the lens of Jesus’ ultimate exchange—exploring what it looks like to truly follow Him and examining several of the other exchanges that are made possible as a result. Through Exchange, your students will discover how much they stand to gain through giving up, following Jesus, and radically embracing the power of the exchanged life today.

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Unidentified at your next event and students will uncover why they struggle with feeling unidentified, what it means to find their identity in Christ, and how they’re called to live in that new identity.

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    Lost & Found

    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Lost & Found at your next event and students will learn that as Christ-followers, our identity is found in the freedom that comes through surrendering to God and His ways.

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    So Much More

    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach So Much More at your next event and be captured by the grandeur of God, His love for you and your students, and be motivated by His perfect plan for your lives.  

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Undivided at your event and boldly challenge your students to pursue Christ with a single-minded devotion, discovering that the only love worth giving God is an undivided one.

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    The Uprising

    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    If you are ready to see your students rise up for His name, His renown, and His glory, then The Uprising is for you. Teach The Uprising at your next event and challenge your students to seek the things that are above.

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    This Changes Everything

    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach This Changes Everything at your event to show your students how, in Christ, nothing can ever be the same. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold: the new has come.” —2 Corinthians 5:17

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Fearless at your next event if you want to challenge your students to confidently embrace the plan God has for them. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” —2 Timothy 1:7

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach One at your next event and help your students see the amazing message of what God wants to do in and through them. “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” —Ephesians 4:4-6

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Relentless: Pursuing Christ at All Costs will help teenagers understand the 4 main concepts that define a relentless faith: praise, personal evangelism, prayer, and persecution. Teach Relentless at your next event to help your students pursue Christ at all costs.

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Teach Next: Growing A Faith That Lasts at your next event and help your students begin to lay the foundation of a faith that will last long into their adult life. “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” —Hebrews 12:1-2

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    from Original Price $69.00
    from $48.30

    Living out a faith that is true and real in today’s world? It’s about being a follower—a Christ-follower. Teach Follower at your next event to help your students understand what real faith looks like and how to live it out.