Before They Were Famous
How well can your students spot someone famous when they were young? Help them out by using the clues to see if they can guess before someone else who the celebrity is. Play in teams or have two students face-off!
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How well can your students spot someone famous when they were young? Help them out by using the clues to see if they can guess before someone else who the celebrity is. Play in teams or have two students face-off!
You will be shown a specific amount of U.S. coins. Simply be the first to correctly count up the amount of change.
Looking for a fun, on-the-spot guy-versus-girl face-off game? This one is a great opener for a message on relationships. Bring up two contestants (or more) to study the cheesy Christian pick-up line, and then face their opponent to say it with a straight face until someone can’t keep a straight face!
Determine whether or not these musical artists have ever headline the Superbowl Half-Time Show.
How well do you know what's true or false when it comes to science? Read the question and decide if it's "Fact" or "Fiction." Play it by having all students move from one side of the room to the other, or bring students up on stage to see who gets the right answer first.
Written by Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31 NIV). This is Jesus’ response to the disciples when they tell him about all they’ve been doing in ministry. Jesus’ response is not a call for the disciples to keep going. He doesn’t say, “Okay, great: here’s your next ministry assignment. You’ve been faithful with a few things, now here’s a few more.” Nor is Jesus’ response an invitation to debrief the Sunday service (so to speak). Jesus doesn’t offer any of that—there’s no instant replay of the week’s activities or darkened office invitations to the disciples to “to talk about their ministry performance.” There’s not even a word of affirmation about all that they’ve done. What Jesus offers is an invitation to rest. Have you ever heard this call in your own life? Heard it in a real, tangible, curling your toes inside your favorite fluffy socks, real-life kind of way? Thought this six-lessons of this module, we’ll be looking in greater detail at Jesus’ invitation to rest through Mark’s version of the feeding of the five thousand.
Written by Dr. Danny Kwon. Parenting well is the hardest job on the planet. Partnering with parents in youth ministry may be the second hardest job. You've probably studied teenagers' needs, their culture, and even their ever-changing lingo in preparation to be the most dynamic youth worker your church has ever seen. But when was the last time you studied their parents? What are their fears? What motivates their decisions? And why do some of them seem so hard to please? A Youth Worker's Field Guide to Parents is for youth workers who struggle to communicate with and relate to the moms and dads of the teenagers they want to reach the most. Whether you're a veteran youth worker or just starting out, or a church leader who wants to embrace parents more effectively, this three-part module will provide you with tips for peacemaking, insights for better empathy, and the motivation you need to make these important relationships work.
Written by Corey Watson. Every ministry has them. Maybe you created them. Maybe you inherited them. We all have them, though. What are "they"? Sacred cows. Events, programs, or calendar moments that maybe you wish weren't on the calendar, but you also feel like you HAVE to have them on there. How do you get rid of them if they need to go? What do you do if you can't get rid of them? What do you do to change them if you keep them? This three-lesson module will explore how to deal effectively with sacred cows in your ministry.
Written by Matt Andrews. For years now, youth workers and church volunteers have lamented that teens don't know basic Bible stories. But have you noticed more and more teens don't know anything about the Bible at all? Even though there are plenty of teen Bible study aids available, there's a giant gap between these tools and the total biblical illiteracy of many we're trying to reach. Slaying Biblical Illiteracy contains practical tips, as well as group and individual exercises, that will inspire youth to experience God's Word for themselves. Learn to use the same creative skills you use to plan retreats and youth group games to bring the Bible to life using the unexpected in fun ways that will grab and keep your teens' attention. Learn how to help youth work through their trust issues with Scripture and learn Bible study methods you can try out as a group, so that your youth are empowered to study the Bible for themselves, slaying biblical illiteracy and unlocking the influence of God s Word in their daily lives.
You will be given a STRANGE statement. You simply decide whether you believe that statement to be FACT or FICTION.
When was the last time you learned something about someone in your group? Use these fun prompts to see who has or hasn’t done something unique. Have them move from one side of the room or the other (or raise a left or right hand, if you group is large) to indicate if they “DID” or “DIDN’T” do it.
Some of the greatest movies were books first, and other epic films were original but then launched a book series. You get to guess at which is which in this fun game. Play in teams or have two students face-off!
Authors use Pen Names all the time instead of their Real Names. See if you can guess which of these names is a Pen Name or the author's Real Name.
You will be given the name of a pro wrestling move. Decided whether the move is real or fake.
How well do your students know some facts about DC heroes on screen or from the comics? Guide them to spot the one lie hidden among two truths!
We all want thriving youth ministries, vibrant communities of teenagers and adult leaders who are all growing as disciples of Jesus. Too often, though, it feels like things just aren’t...quite...working. While there are lots of potential solutions to the “problems” of youth ministry, Heather Quiroz suggests looking back—way back—for answers: at first-century Jewish faith, life, and culture.
See if you can answer these questions about leprechauns... according to legend.
Before celebrities were well known, they were just ordinary kids and teens? Who among your students can best guess who’s who through some photos and clues? Play in teams or have two students face-off!
You don't have to keep wishing you could equip the parents connected to your ministry. Join Ministry to Parents and get everything you need to become a competent ministry leader who doesn't just sound like they know ministry - you'll actually know how to create and lead a thriving ministry to the parents connected to your ministry.
As youth workers and ministry leaders, we’re all trying to get better at making disciples. Maybe some of the answers to our questions about discipleship can be found by looking back at the Jewish roots of our faith—the very roots that produced our Master and Messiah, Jesus. But how can we say that we know about Jesus and His methods of making disciples if we haven't taken the time to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural way of life that surrounded Him? To know how Jesus did discipleship, we need a strong grasp of the ideas, practices, and beliefs surrounding the Jewish people of the first century. This live training event with author and youth worker Heather Quiroz will help you get to know Jesus from within His first-century setting and apply his disciple-making methods as you lead in youth ministry.
Can your students name some famous friends, be it from real life, fiction or history? See who can be the first to correctly figure out who the famous friends are. The faster a player locks in an answer, the more points he or she can win or lose.
Now more than ever, teens are struggling with stress, anxiety, and fear. The issues young people are facing are complex and wide-ranging. So how can parents and youth workers understand them better? What are the best ways to meet young people where they are and help them feel seen, loved, and known—by our youth ministries, by their parents, and ultimately by the God who cares for them so deeply? Coming off of his latest book, The Anxious Teen, Brock will provide in this seminar a context to help us understand today’s anxiety-ridden reality, he will teach skills and practices that will impact our youth ministries as well as help parents guide their children in moving forward in a lasting and healthy faith and life.
Middle school ministry is not the dressed up kids ministry or dumbed down high school ministry, and we need to intentionally pray, plan, program and present in ways that are effectively meeting the unique needs of these students. Especially after a national pandemic and cultural changes, now more than ever is the time to understand middle years ministry to the emerging Generation Alpha entering our student ministry.
First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.
Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.
Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
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