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  • Stay Standing If: Friends Edition


    Who has had the greatest variety of friend experiences? Find out by having the whole room stand up (or having students who can’t stand raise a hand), and then having them stay standing if what’s read is true of them. Otherwise, they sit down until the game is over (or you generously let everyone back in after a few rounds) and see who is left standing.

    Pro-tip: The last question has to do with karaoke and can lead to a karaoke showdown if you want to keep the fun going!

  • [Video Training] Planning & Programming a Fall Retreat


    As school returns, the summer heat begins to fade, and another ministry year starts to ramp up, two things are on the minds of a majority of youth pastors: 

    1) Oh no, is Halloween on a Wednesday this year? 
    2) I need to plan the Fall Retreat! Planning retreats are often daunting as they require attention to detail across many different areas simultaneously. 

    This masterclass series in planning and programming a fall retreat will walk through everything you need to get right with creativity and programming, the questions you need to ask and answer about logistics, and will help you eliminate the potential pitfalls so many make when planning. 

  • Disciplemaking with Girls


    Teenage girls area lot—in the best way. Complex, dramatic, thoughtful, generous, smart, frustrating, energetic, and ever-changing. This is because the teen years are marked by major shifts and growth, making them an ideal time to mentor girls toward a sustained, enduring faith.This is no small task, but it’s familiar territory for Katie Edwards, a long time youth worker, parent, and a former teen girl herself. She’s written Disciplemaking with Girls as a resource for the dedicated, caring adults ready to come alongside girls, build meaningful relationships, and pass down the ways of Jesus to the next generation.

  • 5 views on the Future of Youth Ministry


    In this edition of our “multi-views” series, the chapters are authored by a group of youth ministry thought leaders. We asked them two key questions: What are the problems youth ministry currently faces? And what is the pathway forward? Each chapter represents a thoughtful, practical, and challenging viewpoint. At the end of each chapter, there is a sidebar from an in-the-trenches youth worker whose ministry is currently living out the future the chapter’s writer foresees.

  • Called


    Three years into Kendall’s job as the youth pastor of Grace church, many things are going really well: Kids are connecting and growing. She’s built a solid team of adult leaders. She and her husband love their home, city, and friends. But when Kendall is blindsided by her unsupportive senior pastor, who once again takes the side of a wealthy parent over Kendall’s, it’s the impetus she needs to start reconsidering her future. Is it time for Kendall to move on? And if she does look for a role at a new church, how can she be sure it will be a better fit than this one? 

    With this fiction debut, veteran youth worker Jen Bradbury’s novel explores the process of living in to your calling, listening to the voice of God, and continually asking the question, What does the right fit look like, and how do you know when you’ve found it?

  • 4 Views on Talking to Teenagers about Sex: Pragmatic Help for Teaching Sexuality


    4 Views on Talking to Teenagers About Sex reflects the thoughts, experiences, and practical advice of four in-the-trenches youth workers, who have spent years having these conversations with the teenagers in their ministries. Representing an array of viewpoints, these writers don’t agree on everything—but they all know that our conversations with teens about sex must speak to God’s design, avoid shame, and go far beyond any one instance of “the talk.

  • 4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers: Effective Ministry to Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Questioning Students Among Us


    What do I do when a teenager comes out to me? How do I respond in a way that’s helpful rather than creating additional problems? 

    Engaging and deeply relevant, 4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers is a frank and compassionate conversation with four in-the-trenches youth workers who have wrestled with these questions and strengthened their ministries as a result. In fact, it’s out of real-life experience with gay, bisexual, cisgender, transgender, queer, or questioning teens in their own youth groups that these youth workers are able to offer up their approaches—approaches which are then not theoretical at all, but practical and born of relational, everyday ministry. 

    Will you find all the answers in this book? No. Look elsewhere for theological debate; look elsewhere for pat, one-size-fits-all methodologies. Youth ministry is often messy and complex, but it’s a divine calling to connect every youth with Jesus: straight, gay, bi, cisgender, trans, queer, or questioning.

  • Leading Without Power: 9 Paths Toward Non-Coercive Ministry Leadership


    Hierarchical, coercive leadership should have no place in the church. But if we move away from those unbiblical (and ineffective) forms of power-based leadership, we still need to lead. In Leading Without Power, Mark Oestreicher explores—in very pragmatic ways—what it might look like for us to replace power-based leadership modalities with other approaches.

First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
