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  • [Video Training] Developing A Discipleship Pathway For Your Ministry


    Any New Orleans chef worth his roux would tell you that a truly delicious gumbo isn't just about one specific ingredient but is instead a masterful combination of different select ingredients that, when blended together, create an explosion of flavor. Likewise, as leaders in youth ministry, we are called to make disciples. To accomplish this Sacred task, we have to get into the kitchen and build the recipe ingredients that, when mixed together, not only lead students in our particular ministry contexts to come to faith in Jesus Christ but also guides and supports each of them as they grow in relationship with Him. In these sessions together, we will look at seven key ingredients to providing your students with a discipleship strategy or pathway that does just that.

  • [Video Training] Preaching The Bible In A Changing Culture


    Our world has changed. The pandemic has reshaped every aspect of our culture, including the rhythms surrounding our faith. When preaching the Bible to teenagers, some best-practices are timeless and unchanging. And there are also new variables that must be considered. In this session, Andy will walk youth ministry leaders through the non-negotiables of effectively preaching the Word to students in a culture that is radically changing around us.

  • [Video Training] Youth Ministry Prepper 101: Calendering Discipleship


    Go and make disciples. Isn’t that what Jesus asks every youth ministry in the world to participate in? And every church, for that matter? If that’s the case, how are you orienting your ministry calendar to ensure maximum discipleship is taking place? And how are you measuring those things? In this Masterclass video, we’re going to unpack the three elements of Jesus’ Great Commission and give you six thoughts on ways to weave discipleship into your ministry calendar.

  • [Video Training] Calling Out The Called: Discipling Those Called To Ministry Leadership


    Ministry comes with many weighty responsibilities. Ministry leaders are called to teach, serve, and lead. But in leading those under their care, there comes a moment when they recognize the future leaders under their leadership. With this recognition comes an all too familiar question: What comes next? Let’s talk about what it means to call out the called, and to disciple those who have been called to ministry leadership.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Creating A Discipleship Group That Works


    Discipleship is more than getting to know what the teacher knows. It is getting to be what he is. - Juan Carlos Ruiz

    We are called to make disciples. The pursuit of making disciples who love, follow, and are completely sold out to Jesus is (or should be) at the very core of everything we do in youth ministry. But when the rubber that is the busyness of our students' and volunteer leaders' lives meets the road of their good intentions, creating discipleship groups that work proves easier to say than actually to accomplish. Let me show you some principles that I have found that have proven to be successful when creating a discipleship group that works.

  • [6 Lesson Course] Discovering The World Behind The Text, Of The Text, & In Front Of The Text Of Genesis 1-11


    By Dr. Noel Forlini Burt. Within this 6-lesson module, we'll enter what we think to be familiar territory with the first few stories in Genesis. These are stories we believe we know well until we read them again and discover that there are places in the text we didn't notice before or that our Sunday School experiences were omitted due to the things that weren't palatable for us as children. There are some hard stories in this collection of texts. That's probably why we don't hear them preached very often. Nevertheless, these are important stories, so I want to dive into the things that I think we as ministers need to know about the book of Genesis: the world "behind" the text, the world "of" the text, and the world "in front of" the text.

  • [Video Training] The Disciple's Journey


    Have you ever wondered if you are truly being effective at multiplying disciples? You know you are running programs but you just aren’t sure those programs are creating the disciple-making results you are intending to produce. The Disciple’s Journey training from Dave Rhodes will jumpstart a healthy conversation for you and your team around what effective disciple-making looks like and lead you to evaluate your ministry based on the time tested process of discipleship that we see Jesus use with followers.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] The Top & Bottom Bun Of Discipleship


    Discipleship is as critical for your students to understand and participate in as it is for your ministry to value. So, how are you teaching your students to be growing disciples themselves as well as those who disciple others? Let me share an odd but effective way to teach students discipleship that I promise you they will always remember.

  • [4 Lesson Course] Slaying Biblical Illiteracy: Helping Teenagers Trust God's Word (Part 1)


    Written by Matt Andrews. For years now, youth workers and church volunteers have lamented that teens don't know basic Bible stories. But have you noticed more and more teens don't know anything about the Bible at all? Even though there are plenty of teen Bible study aids available, there's a giant gap between these tools and the total biblical illiteracy of many we're trying to reach. Slaying Biblical Illiteracy contains practical tips, as well as group and individual exercises, that will inspire youth to experience God's Word for themselves. Learn to use the same creative skills you use to plan retreats and youth group games to bring the Bible to life using the unexpected in fun ways that will grab and keep your teens' attention. Learn how to help youth work through their trust issues with Scripture and learn Bible study methods you can try out as a group, so that your youth are empowered to study the Bible for themselves, slaying biblical illiteracy and unlocking the influence of God s Word in their daily lives.

  • [Video Training] What Discipleship In Youth Ministry Would Look Like With Jesus As Your Rabbi


    As youth workers and ministry leaders, we’re all trying to get better at making disciples. Maybe some of the answers to our questions about discipleship can be found by looking back at the Jewish roots of our faith—the very roots that produced our Master and Messiah, Jesus. But how can we say that we know about Jesus and His methods of making disciples if we haven't taken the time to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural way of life that surrounded Him? To know how Jesus did discipleship, we need a strong grasp of the ideas, practices, and beliefs surrounding the Jewish people of the first century. This live training event with author and youth worker Heather Quiroz will help you get to know Jesus from within His first-century setting and apply his disciple-making methods as you lead in youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] Identifying & Activating Student Leaders


    As a youth ministry leader, we are called to make disciples. Part of that disciple-making process involves pouring ourselves into students, identifying and activating them to live out their faith by living and leading in a God-honoring way. So, how do we do that? In this one-session Masterclass video, we will discuss how to clarify what we want a student leadership team to accomplish, identify student leaders, invite them to lead, acquire parent buy-in, and activate our students to lead out in a life of service to Jesus through their unique giftings.

  • [4 Lesson Course] Slaying Biblical Illiteracy: Helping Teenagers Trust God's Word (Part 2)


    Written by Matt Andrews. For years now, youth workers and church volunteers have lamented that teens don't know basic Bible stories. But have you noticed more and more teens don't know anything about the Bible at all? Even though there are plenty of teen Bible study aids available, there's a giant gap between these tools and the total biblical illiteracy of many we're trying to reach.

    Slaying Biblical Illiteracy contains practical tips, as well as group and individual exercises, that will inspire youth to experience God's Word for themselves. Learn to use the same creative skills you use to plan retreats and youth group games to bring the Bible to life using the unexpected in fun ways that will grab and keep your teens' attention. Learn how to help youth work through their trust issues with Scripture and learn Bible study methods you can try out as a group, so that your youth are empowered to study the Bible for themselves, slaying biblical illiteracy and unlocking the influence of God s Word in their daily lives.

  • [Video Training] Effective Teaching Tips For Youth Ministry


    Teaching teenagers the Word of God is both an incredible privilege and a weighty responsibility. Scripture itself says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness (James 3:1 ESV).” So, how do we best honor the Lord, His Word, and His calling upon our lives to teach and disciple His sheep? In this two-session Masterclass, we will discuss tips and methods to effectively teach teenagers the Word. In session one, I will share eleven tips for teacher preparation and spiritual preparation. I’ll also point out a few helpful resources that you can use. In session two, we will discuss lesson planning and explore seven different teaching models that you can utilize in your youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] Student Discipleship: Different Settings Require Different Preparation


    As a youth pastor, not only are you responsible for preparing/preaching weekly sermons for your students in a large group setting, but you’re also tasked with equipping your leaders to teach the Bible in a weekly small group/discipleship setting. Each of these settings is unique and come with their own issues to navigate. Each of these settings has significant value. Each of these settings requires a youth ministry leader to think and prepare differently. In this two-session Masterclass video, Matthew will share some of the different needs that students have when they are sitting in a large group environment versus a small group environment. In session one, Matthew will explore the uniqueness of preaching in a large group setting and some tips that may help you in your leadership and preparation. In session two, Matthew will delve into the nuance in preparation, student needs, and leadership that comes with teaching/leading others to teach in a small group environment.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Reframing Discipleship


    I think that we are all familiar with the Great Commission that is found in Matthew 28. I want to suggest, as a starting place, that the Great Commission is what youth ministry is all about. I think we'd all agree that we're not just about entertaining; we're not just about enculturating teenagers into the way of the church; we're about making disciples. And most of us in youth ministry are highly intentional in one way or another about how we go about doing that. That's what we want to consider in this video: reframing discipleship and what that could look like.

  • [Youth Ministry Hacks] Creating Student Roles In Small Group


    When you think about your students and student ministry, here are two questions I’d like you to consider: 1) What are you doing to help teenagers take more ownership and be more active or engaged during your small group experience? 2) Instead of allowing students to be passive participants in this formative time, what can you do or dream up that could give them regular opportunities to be discipled and grow in their faith in practical ways? Now, I don’t claim to have it all figured out, but we have created and implemented an idea in our student ministry that seems to be effectively answering these two questions. That’s why I want to share this idea for you to use in our own ministry or to serve as inspiration to try something different to move your students from “renters” to “owners” of your student ministry.

  • [Video Training] Helping Students Understand The Old Testament


    The Old Testament can seem like this ancient, out-of-reach, or unknown part of the Bible. While there may always be parts we will not fully understand, it doesn't mean we should avoid teaching it. One of our goals as youth workers is to help students better understand God's Word. In this video, we will discuss 4 different ways to help students understand the Old Testament.

First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
