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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -

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Head Spin

YM360+ Membership Discount

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Head Spin is the perfect people picker that uses your students heads on the screen! Just hit the spacebar to start and stop the spinning to land on a random head. It’s that easy. This is a super fun way to pick students to play games or win prizes. The game includes a “Head Maker” tool to help you quickly isolate students’ heads for not only this game, but for any of our games that use heads. 

What makes this a premium game?

Premium games are those that you can play over and over again as the outcomes of our premium games are never the same! Watch the video to the left to learn all about how this premium game works. Games that are "one and done" are a part of our Classic Game catalog and those can be seen here.

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  • Instructions:

    • If you don't have editing software, we've got you covered! In the dashboard, just under, "Settings", you'll see a little message that says, "Need help creating heads from your photos? Click here". Click that and it will launch the Head Maker app. Once the Head Maker app opens, you're going to click on the image icon in the middle of the screen. This will allow you to select a photo of your contestant from your computer. Once the image loads, it will create a green circle with a bunch of dots around it. This is called the, "Mask". Anything outside of the mask will be cropped out. Use the scale buttons on the left to make the face almost fit the circle. You can drag the photo to position it where you want. Once you get the face in the circle, click and drag the dots to fit the mask around the head. You can check how it looks by clicking on the, "Toggle Preview" button to the right. This just hides the mask so you can get a better view of your results. Click that button again to bring the mask back so you can continue editing. Once you've got the mask the way you want it, click on the, "Save" button to the right and save the PNG file somewhere on your computer. 
    • At this point, you should have a folder on your computer that has some PNG files of people's heads. Keep that folder handy because we're releasing a bunch of games that can use those same heads! At the bottom of the Settings panel, click on, "Add Heads". This will open a window that will allow you to select one or more of your png files. Once you do that, a box with each head will be added to the list. You can add more heads at any time. Your changes won't appear until you click the, "Save" button at the bottom of the Settings panel. 
    • Launch the game and display it on your screen -- This is considered a "People Picker". So it's less of a game and more of a way to pick people to play a game or give our prizes. Just hit the spacebar to start the spinning of the heads. Once you're ready, hit the spacebar again and it will stop on a random head. You can also use the left and right arrow keys to step forward and back through the heads. If you want, you can hit the X key on your keyboard to remove the current head. This is helpful for when you're doing something that can't have a person picked more than once. At any time, you can hit the R key on your keyboard to reset the game and bring back any heads that were removed.