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Exchange Student Book


The Exchange Student Book is an essential component of an Exchange event. These books contain the creative, interactive small group Bible study activities, space for notes during large group sessions, and devotions designed to use during and after your Exchange event.

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"But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ." - Philippians 3:7

What does it mean to exchange? To make an exchange is to swap “this” for “that.” Exchanging is about trading up. It’s giving up something you have for what you want—something better. A better fit. A better option. A better experience. A better deal. A better life. 

In every exchange, something must be given up in order for something to be gained. It probably isn’t shocking to learn that when most people make an exchange, very rarely do they give away something they desire for something they don’t. It just doesn’t work that way, does it? But thankfully, Jesus isn’t most people. 

At the heart of the Gospel, there is a single, powerful exchange that occurred when a sinless Savior carried the sin of humanity to the Cross and willingly made the exchange of His life for ours. His innocence for our guilt and shame. He traded down so we could trade up. In doing so, Jesus made possible the ultimate exchange that, once embraced, leads to countless other exchanges in the lives of those who will believe and follow Him. 

Teach Exchange and lead your students on a journey to see everything through the lens of Jesus’ ultimate exchange—exploring what it looks like to truly follow Him and examining several of the other exchanges that are made possible as a result. Through Exchange, your students will discover how much they stand to gain through giving up, following Jesus, and radically embracing the power of the exchanged life today.

Exchange Student Book

The Exchange Student Book is a hand-in-hand necessary component of your Exchange event. Designed as an interactive tool, it is a companion for each of the small group lessons. It contains space for large group session notes. And, it contains personal devotions to use during and after your Exchange event. 


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