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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -

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Truly Free


Teach Truly Free at your event and empower your students to discover their freedom in Christ.

Your starter pack includes a Student book, Follow-up Journal, and Medium t-shirt. If you'd like a different shirt size, please contact

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Group-sized Licensing / Pricing

1-49  $69   ||   50-99  $99   ||  100+  $129  

We're excited to partner with you to provide Truly Free for your upcoming ministry event! This downloadable resource is priced based on your total event participants (adults + students). Choosing your total event participants will ensure you are licensed appropriately for content distribution within your group. Click SELECT OPTIONS above to get started!

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Life is full of ups and downs. Good days and bad days. Fun times and not so fun times. It’s part of what it means to be a human being. Like all people, our students love the moments when things are going their way. But what about when things don’t go their way? What about the times when they feel overwhelmed by the pressures of the world around them? What about the times when they are exhausted and overwhelmed by stress? What about those moments when they just can’t seem to overcome the sin that drags them down? 

For many students, the stress, pressure, and brokenness of their lives is at times, too much to bear. But the excellent news is that there is tremendous hope in the Gospel. 

When students feel trapped by their sin, the Gospel says, "You're a slave no longer." When students feel like they don't match up, the Gospel says, "You have immense value to God." When students feel overwhelmed by the stress of their lives, the Gospel says, "There is rest in Jesus." And when students don't feel like their lives matter, the Gospel says, "Your life is meant for more than this." In a word, the Gospel sets students free. Truly free.

Teach TRULY FREE to your students and empower them to discover their freedom in Christ.

from $69
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A Complete Event Solution:

4 Small Group Bible Study Lessons

Streamlined, complete, and easy-to-teach Bible study lessons for your volunteer leaders with teacher prep videos

4 Large Group Sermon Outlines

Sermon outlines ensure God's Word is the focus of your event. Choose from simple or detailed options for your speaker to follow.

A Complete Media Package

Session videos to kick off and wrap up your weekend, background loops, presentation images, a countdown clock, artwork and more

Student Bible Study Guide

An essential component for your students to experience maximum impact as it is their small group Bible study material.

4 Devotions for Your Students

Perfect for creating quiet time moments throughout your weekend and are included as part of our Student Bible Study Guides

4-Week, Follow-Up Devotional Journal

Keep your students in God’s Word following your event with our 4-week daily devotional journals as they study God’s Word on their own

Event-Themed T-Shirts

Our classic theme-designed shirts are ready to ship and help you round out a complete event experience for your students

Option for Custom-Designed T-Shirts

For a custom fee, our designers can create something unique to your group

Session Overview

Session 1: Set Free from Sin

What We Want Students to Learn: For students to learn that in Christ they have been set free from the penalty of their sin. In Christ, they are forgiven. 

Main Scripture: Romans 6:15-23 

Session Snapshot: Many things burden students. But the most burdensome thing they face is sin. Apart from Christ, we are enslaved to sin. And this sin separates us from God, permanently. How awesome it is, then, that when we come to saving faith in Christ, we are set free from the chains of sin that bind us. This session will help your students understand the life-changing, soul-transforming freedom that is available to them through a saving relationship with Jesus.

Session 2: Set Free from Measuring Up

What We Want Students to Learn: For students to learn that in Christ they have been set free from the pressure to "measure up." In Christ, they have value. 

Main Scripture: Romans 8:31-39 

Session Snapshot: Teenagers receive so many messages from culture about their value. They constantly compare themselves to the standards set by others. And overwhelmingly, they don’t feel like they add up. They don’t feel as pretty or as put-together as the people they follow in Instagram and Snapchat. They don’t feel as athletic as the other guys or girls on the team. They don’t feel as smart as their friends. Or as funny. Or as popular. Or as accepted. Overwhelmingly, many of our students don’t feel like they add up, and they doubt their self-worth. Into this environment of doubt, the Gospel speaks life and light. In Christ, God sees teenagers as invaluable. There is no condemnation, no judgment, no comparison-making for God’s children. They are eternally valuable and immeasurably worthy because the Father has welcomed them in the name of the Son. When students truly internalize this, it changes everything about how they see themselves.

Session 3: Set Free from Stress

What We Want Students to Learn: For students to learn that in Christ they have been set free from the stress and anxiety of their lives. In Christ, they can know true rest. 

Main Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 

Session Snapshot: One of the most defining characteristics of this generation of young people is how stressed out they are. Anxiety has reached epidemic proportions in teenagers. The stress students feel from the expectations put on them, by themselves and others, can be overwhelming. Relationships. Academics. Athletics. Money. The future. These factors (and so many more) contribute to the stress our students feel. It leaves them overwhelmed, exhausted, and sometimes, hopeless. And yet, the promise of the Gospel is rest. Rest and peace and purpose. A new way of life with a different outlook. In Matthew 11, Jesus promises rest for the weary, and freedom from the stress of our lives. THIS is a message your students need to hear.

Session 4: Set Free for a Purpose

What We Want Students to Learn: In Christ, they have been set free from the world's definition of success. In Christ, they have a purpose. 

Main Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10; Matthew 5:16 

Session Snapshot: Up to this point, you have made a case for your students that the Gospel sets them free from the bondage of sin, from the weight of expectations, and from the stress that weighs them down. In this session, you'll help students see that more than just setting them free FROM these things, God has set the free FOR a purpose. When students come to saving faith in Christ, God frees them from pursuing unfulfilled or misguided purposes. Paul shows us that God called us so that we might fill the world around us with goodness. And Jesus says in Matthew that this goodness is designed to point people to God. We were freed for a purpose. Our students' lives are rich with meaning. This session will challenge them to embrace the purpose God has for each of them.

Student Resource Bundles

  • Essential Bundle

    $13.95 per student Retail Price: $14.90 (Save 6%!)

    Interactive Student Book

    Follow-Up Devotional Journal

    Themed T-shirt

  • BEST

    Super Bundle

    $17.95 per student Retail Price: $20.90 (Save 14%!)

    Interactive Student Book

    Follow-Up Devotional Journal

    Themed T-shirt

  • Book Bundle

    $9.95 per student Retail Price: $10.90 (Save 9%!)

    Interactive Student Book

    Follow-Up Devotional Journal

    Themed T-shirt

Or Buy Student Resources Individually:

The Truly Free Student Book is an essential component of your youth ministry event. It serves as the guide for how your students will grow and progress through the weekend. It goes hand-in-hand with your small group lesson plans.

Your youth ministry event is a transformative experience for your students. Equip them to go much deeper in their spiritual journey with the Truly Free Follow Up Journal. Four weeks of interactive, Bible-centered, and application-oriented content.

These authentic, themed shirts are the hardest part of your event made easier. No more stressing out over all the details. Just give us your sizes and these will show up at your door in no time.


Sample Lesson and Features

Sample Lesson and Features

Download the first lesson's small group leader guide, Student Book preview, and a lesson overview.

Download Sample (PDF)

Media Previews

  • Opening Session Video

    Motion Loop

    Teacher Prep Videos
    Four total teacher prep videos are included (one for each lesson).

  • Closing Session Video

    Countdown Clock