Each day of Cyber Monday week (Dec. 2-6) at NOON (CST), join in on the YM360 Instagram and play SURVEY SAYS: YOUTH MINISTRY EDITION. If you answer with one of the top 5 answers for that topic, you will be entered to win that day's Daily Prize!
Overcoming Elephants in the Room: Confronting What we Tend to Ignore
Overcoming Elephants in the Room is a series all about how to address some of the biggest issues facing your students. These are issues that we may be unwilling to address because it’s awkward, uncomfortable, or it feels unnecessary. It’s like having an elephant in the room, everyone knows it’s there, but nobody wants to talk about it- it’s weird but it’s daunting, it’s uncomfortable but it’s unavoidable. The best thing to do when there’s an elephant in the room is to call it out, in this series, we’ll do just that!