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7 Things to Know When Your Students Aren't Joining Zoom Meetings

7 Things to Know When Your Students Aren't Joining Zoom Meetings


Don't Be like the Zoom Pastor...

Let’s all be honest with ourselves for just a second. Life is difficult right now. Granted, as Christians, we are never promised an easy walk through life, and we trust God’s plans are higher than our own. But, right now just seems a little more difficult for most people. Praise God we don’t rely on ourselves for comfort and joy, because it would have run out around Mid-March for me.

Now, consider how your students feel. They are tired of digital meetings. Burnout is something all students and youth workers experience at some point, and right now seems like the perfect pivot point where BOTH you AND your students feel the same sense of burnout. Because of this, you have probably seen a decline in attendance as the weeks of quarantine and isolation have gone on.

Enter your name and email address below to receive 7 encouragements to help you overcome the frustration and disappointment of a low-attendance digital gathering, along with a few tips on how you can add additional students to your digital gatherings!


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