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Youth Worker Sound Off: What Do You Do For Graduating Seniors?

Youth Worker Sound Off: What Do You Do For Graduating Seniors?

[NOTE: We originally ran this last year on the blog. But the responses were so good, we wanted to re-run it. Take a second and read what people wrote last year, then add your ideas to the list in the comment section below.]

Last week we asked youth workers on the ym360 Facebook Page what special plans they had for celebrating their graduating seniors. There were some really good ideas. We wanted to share them with you in the hopes that maybe you find a fun new way to celebrate your graduates.

Without further ado, here are some of the responses: 

"We have a Youth Sunday, in which the youth are in charge of the entire service. We will recognize graduating seniors with a gift in front of the church. Then I will preach an illustrated sermon using skits we have pre-recorded. They will also sing in our worship service. It's a lot of work, but I'm pumped about it!" — Steve A

"We take a Sunday night service and honor our grads. They are presented gifts from the church and we pray for a blessing over them. It is so important they know that no matter what is ahead, God is always there . . . We set up a table in the fellowship hall to showcase their accomplishments. Then we have a party after the service."  Shane J.

"We have a special graduate Sunday. The grads wear their cap and gown, they process into the service, we recognize them on the screen and in the service, and present them a gift. After church we have a special lunch prepared for the grads and their families."  Karen P.

"We have a special service for them on a Wednesday night. Our Pastor gives them a “charge,” and then the whole church meets in our gym for a viewing of tables the families set up in honor of the grads (with displays of pictures, trophies, etc.). Cake and punch are served . . . This gives the church members an opportunity to give the graduates cards, gifts, and money. What a blessing it is to honor our graduates!"  John D.

"We do a breakfast for them and their families, including a small gift. We also do a “how you impacted my life” wall for our underclassmen. We post poster-sized photos of our seniors and ask our other students to sign it with a farewell encouragement."  Darren S.

"As the youth pastor, I usually preach the sermon Sunday morning and have a insert in the bulletin of all the graduates for the year. Then that night we do a dessert social where the graduates get a kind word from me about each one of them."  Jeff H.

"We take a senior trip to Coronado Island in San Diego!"  Erik N.

"The younger students in our group usually put on a funny dessert awards ceremony for the grads at our church, telling the grads the impact they've had on them and the youth group. Then the leader that is most connected with them prays for them."  Steve S.

"I gave a questionnaire to their parents asking them things about their child and I asked for several pictures from birth throughout their school years. We are going to put together a PowerPoint of it all and play it for them. Then, we'll throw a party after the service."  Sandra R.

Now, it's your turn to share your ideas with the ym360 Community. How do you celebrate your graduating seniors? 


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