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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Youth Worker BOOST: Praising God

Youth Worker BOOST: Praising God

ym360 knows youth workers. We know what an incredibly rewarding, yet incredibly challenging job youth ministry can be. There are days when your spirits are sky-high, and there are days when you could use a bit of a “pick me up” from God's Word . . . That's why we're happy to offer Youth Worker Boost, one of the many valuable resources on the ym360 Blog.

Boost is a short, weekly piece of encouragement designed to, well, “boost” your spirits and encourage you as you minister to students. We consider it yet another great opportunity to serve you and your ministry.

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“Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." — Psalms 150:1, 6

At the end of the book of Psalms we find this wonderful passage on praising God. I love the insights of the English born pastor and Bible expositor G. Campbell Morgan. He explains that the psalm begins by saying our praise for God should take place in our day-to-day life, in our places of worship, and to the very far reaches of human consciousness. Now that’s the definition of an awesome domain!

The last verse is a perfect conclusion to not only the chapter but the entire book of Psalms. 

Everything that breathes should praise God. Morgan says, “Life received from Him must return praise to Him. The function of life is praise and the force of life is praise.” Is praising God a daily part of your life? Maybe the better question for us is, whether or not our students are actively engaged in praising God. Praise of God doesn’t happen apart from a real knowledge of who He is. If your students aren’t regularly engaging with God in the Bible, and communicating with Him in prayer, their praise will be deeply impacted.

Make sure you’re focused on helping students know God. And do what you can to empower their parents to lead them, as well.

Our prayer for you: We pray that today you would be moved to praise God because of who He is in your life, and that this praise would overflow into your family life and your ministry.   


Last Week's BOOST:  God's Hand

Next Week's BOOST: Family Matters

Want more BOOST? Get it HERE!


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