youth worker boost: i've got a secret
ym360 knows youth workers. We know what an incredibly rewarding, yet incredibly challenging job youth ministry can be. There are days when your spirits are sky-high, and there are days when you could use a bit of a “pick me up” from God's Word . . . That's why we're happy to offer Youth Worker Boost, one of the many valuable resources on the ym360 Blog.
Boost is a short, weekly piece of encouragement designed to, well, “boost” your spirits and encourage you as you minister to students. We consider it yet another great opportunity to serve you and your ministry.
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"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ."--Colossians 1:27-28
The word "secret" can mean a lot of different things. Tell someone you have a secret surprise gift for them and the person will experience the joy of expectation. Tell a friend or loved one you have been keeping a secret from them, and the person will experience the fear of bad news. A secret told can lift you up, or bring you down.
The two secrets revealed in today's passage are the "lifting up" kind of secrets. One of them is great news and the other is even greater!
When Christ died on the cross he made a relationship with God possible for all people, both Jew and Gentile. But the second secret was even greater. Paul said that those who put their faith in Christ will have Him living in them. The secret was out: God, who up to that point was always worshiped with a certain level of separation, became a man and lived among us before sending the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. It's a powerful reminder for those of us who are tired, lacking motivation, and wondering why we still do what we do. It's equally as powerful a reminder for those of us who are on top of the world, riding high, and bursting at the seams with energy.
But the key is this: This secret isn't just for our benefit. We have an obligation.
What do we do with this knowledge? We do what Paul said he did: tell everyone everywhere about Christ.
Our prayer for you: Our prayer is that the Good News of Christ would be lived out in you in such a way that it's impossible to keep it a secret.
Last Week's BOOST: The Imitators
Next Week's BOOST: Foundations
Get more BOOST articles HERE!
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