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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -

ym360 Video Blog: New e-Book And A BIG Christmas Contest

One of the main areas on which we focus at ym360 is Networking. We see Networking as shining a spotlight on ministries or ministers doing awesome things for the Kingdom. Networking is part of who we are. One of our favorite people and youth ministry voices is Tim Schmoyer. Tim is an experienced youth minister who has his hands in about a million things (all of them awesome!), most notably the Life In Student Ministry blog and Ministry Questions. Tim has one excellent book already to his credit, Life in Student Ministry. The purpose of this post is to talk about Tim's newest book. Tim has just released a new e-book, Focused Youth Ministry. It's a really great resource for youth ministers looking to craft a focused, intentional youth ministry. You can check out all the details and purchase by clicking here.

But, the coolest thing is that Tim is running a GREAT contest where one youth worker will receive HALF the proceeds of the sales of Tim's book (up until Christmas).

How cool is that? But you have to HURRY! The contest ends Friday December 9!! For more info on the contest, watch this short video below:

If you're looking to create a more intentional, more focused approach to how you do ministry, consider picking up Tim's book. AND, if you're interested in the contest, head on over to Tim's site and get your entry in.

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Andy Blanks is the co-founder of youthministry360. Andy has worked in youth ministry for 13 years, leading small groups and developing Bible study resources for several organizations. Andy is a volunteer youth leader with his church's youth group, leading a small group and speaking and teaching whenever he gets the chance. Andy is a teacher at heart and loves to challenge teenagers and youth workers alike through his writing and speaking.

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