ym360 Trends and Culture Update (Vol 8)
At ym360, we're committed to equipping youth workers. While most of our energy is dedicated to doing this in the areas of Bible Study Resources and Training, we believe it's valuable for youth workers and parents to stay in the loop on what is happening in youth culture and culture in general. (Read why we think it's important here.) A couple times a month, we'll do a post like this one, where we link to relevant articles and studies that give you a better glimpse into the world teenagers are living in. We'd love to know that we're not just equipping you, but those you serve, as well. Consider using this article to equip your community in the following ways:
- Email this link to your adult volunteers
- Repost it on your blog or church website
- Email the link to all your parents to help equip them to better understand their teen's world
Without further ado, here are some relevant links we think you should know about.
Some Social Media News
- Facebook halts address and phone number sharing . . . but for how long?
- It appears that, at least according to Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, that Playboy will be releasing its entire catalogue on the iPad in March. This is VERY significant, as Apple CEO Steve Jobs has said that there would never be any porn made available on an iOS platform. (In other words, no iPhone or iPad apps feature pornographic material, which is not true of the Android operating system.) This will be one to watch, as it could potentially, and unfortunately, pave the way for more adult content on iPhones and iPads.
- Now here's a great use for Facebook! Amber Alerts are now available through the social network.
A Glance At Recent Research
- Different angle on a story we linked to a few weeks ago. Are more teens getting plastic surgery to avoid being bullied?
- Study shows that cigarette ads are surprisingly effective at getting teenagers to smoke.
- Here's an important study, and one that will be widely talked about. It seems there is a link between "heavy gamers," teens who play an average of 31 hours a week, and depression, anxiety, and social phobias. Worth a read.
- Roughly two thirds of American teenagers are comfortable enough with their parents to have them as Facebook friends, according to a new study.
- Surprising and sad statistics about the number of teenagers growing up in broken homes.
- A new study shows that high amounts of sugar intake in teenagers can lead to heart disease later in life.
The World of Youth-Culture & Entertainment
- MTV launches what the Parent's Television Council calls the Most Dangerous Program ever for teenagers. I would warn you if you want to watch the trailers. It is uncomfortable. It's a show about teenagers drinking, doing drugs, having lots of sex, fighting, and just about everything else you can imagine. It's so far over any reasonable line of decency as to be remarkable. And here's the deal . . . there will be many of your students who will absolutely watch this show. Educate yourself. And your volunteers. And your students' parents. This one needs to be on your radar.
- Don't get too depressed but . . . apparently the planned Justin Bieber store is not going to happen. I know, I know . . . you're crushed!
- Early evidence that the accidental school shooting yesterday might have happened as a result of bullying.
- Well, it's officially over. Hannah Montana's last episode was last night on Disney. You have to think Disney is relieved to be officially separated from the ticking time-bomb that is Miley's career.
- Billboard's Hot 100 is largely unchanged in the last couple of weeks with Bruno Mars holding down the top spot with "Grenade," followed by Katy Perry's "Firework," and Ke$ha's "We R Who We R."
- Box office winners over the weekend: The Green Hornet lead the way with 33.5 Million dollars, followed by The Dilemma ($17.8 Million), and True Grit ($11 Million).
That's it for this edition of the ym360 Trends & Culture report. Look for another one the week of January 31.
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Any specific study or link stand out to you? Disagree with anything? Let us know by sharing your thoughts below.
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