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The Most Dynamic Youth Ministry Resource Available

The Most Dynamic Youth Ministry Resource Available

Want to know the most dynamic, most useful, most flexible youth ministry resource there is? The one thing that, if implemented, will super-charge your youth ministry and dramatically transform the lives of your students?

The Bible.

OK, OK, I admit . . . That headline was a little click-baity. But I have to admit I was reminded of this truth in a very profound way this past week. I had the opportunity to share a devotional with our State Senators at our Statehouse in Montgomery, AL last week. I shared with them the importance of a posture of leadership that was in line with God's Kingdom values. I used a variety of Bible stories and individuals Scriptures to make my case that God works through the humble and the servant-hearted. The devotion went well, and I drove back to Birmingham.

The next morning I was to lead a brief devotional for a room of maybe 50 7th graders at a local middle school's weekly First Priority meeting. Guess what the heart of my message was? That God works through the humble and the servant-hearted. I lead almost the same devotion that I gave a group of State Senators to a group of 7th graders. Sure, I adapted the language and the presentation, but the Scriptural truth was the same. I used the same Bible passages. I told the same stories.

I was reminded that the beauty of God's Word is that it is sufficient for every stage of faith. It leads and transforms the child and the adult alike.

We take this for granted, don't we? But when we stop long enough to remember it, it's a powerful truth that should help remind us of the importance of building our youth ministries on the platform of God and His Word.

There are a lot of elements to youth ministry, many of them important. But unless we build our ministries on the foundation of Christ, we're building a structure that isn't sound.

The foundation of our faith is built on God and the Good News of the Gospel that we can be saved by faith in Christ Jesus.

The Bible is God's primary way of making Himself known. We know God most fully through meeting Him in His Word.

Therefore, we can't build a foundation on Christ apart from the Bible. It's that simple.

Whatever you do, make sure that you're leading your students to Christ through the Bible. Make sure you're equipping them to be self-feeders, who understand HOW and WHY to know the Bible.

God's Word. It's the most dynamic ministry tool we have. That's not click-bait. It's the truth.

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