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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Linked Post: Taking Risks Like A Pro

Linked Post: Taking Risks Like A Pro

Our friend Christopher Wesley wrote a great piece over on about how and when to take risks in our youth ministries. I liked and thought I'd link to it here. If you like this excerpt, click the link below to read the rest of the article.

A few years back we had a worship service on Good Friday.  It was an interactive arts performance, where we always look to try new things to enhance worship for teenagers.  This particular year we were using a software that allowed people to text their prayers to our screen, while the band played.  The software had a filter component; however, it was only available if you upgraded.  I didn’t want to take the risk of spending a lot of money on something that I wasn’t sure people would use, so we settled for the free version.  BIG MISTAKE.

In the middle of a worship set, as people were sharing their prayers, someone decided to text something inappropriate.  Let’s just say it went something like this:

“I LIKE…(use your imagination)”

Embarrassed we took it down immediately.  That night we failed.  While we knew we were taking a risk, we didn’t approach it in the right way.

People hold back from taking risks because they’ve failed before.  While failure will happen again, the way to take risks like a pro is by knowing which ones to take.  To know which ones you should take you need to make sure:

To read the rest of Christopher's post, CLICK HERE.

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