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Linked Post: How To Create Leadership Depth

Linked Post: How To Create Leadership Depth

At ym360, everything we do falls into one of four categories: Bible Study Resources, Training, Community, or Networking. For us, networking means highlighting great content, great people, and great ministries. When we find something valuable, we share it. This happens most frequently on our Flashback Friday posts. But it happens in other ways, as well.

One of the ways we focus on Networking is by linking to solid content we encounter on blogs or websites.

We loved this post on Chris Wesley's site, Marathon Youth Ministry. Chris is a ym360 Contributor and writes a daily blog chock-full of youth ministry goodness.

In this post, Chris talks about the challenges of delegating effectively.

Chris points out that for our youth ministries to grow and flourish, they need to be able to grow beyond our capacity to keep tabs on all that goes on. Delegating is key. But delegating effectively is a huge challenge.

Chris gives three great tips on effective delegating. We've posted a snippet of the article below. Be sure to head over to Chris' blog to read the rest. And share your thoughts in the comment section while you're there.


How To Create Leadership Depth, by Chris Wesley

The longer I am in youth ministry the more I realize how much I cannot do on my own.  It's a realization that in order for the youth ministry's capacity to grow it needs to reach beyond my hands.  It's an easy concept to come across; however, difficult to execute.  If you've ever had to delegate chances are you have failed at it at least once.  Maybe you:

  • Did Not Give Clear Instruction
  • Released Control Then Took It Away
  • Had Incredibly High Expectations

It's not that you intentionally let your team fail, it just happened.  When it comes to delegating and creating leadership depth in your ministry it takes practice and a willingness to let go your part.

But, it's not just about you.  To delegate you not only have to be willing to let go; but, they need to be ready for the responsibility.  Therefore, they should be ready to:

Click here to read the rest of the article.


Previous article 5 Tips for Equipping Parents to Lead Family Worship

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