Linked Post: A Different Way to Build Relationships With Students
At ym360, everything we do falls into one of four categories: Bible Study Resources, Training, Community, or Networking. For us, networking means highlighting great content, great people, and great ministries. When we find something valuable, we share it. This happens most frequently on our Flashback Friday posts. But it happens in other ways, as well.
One of the ways we focus on Networking is by linking to solid content we encounter on blogs or websites.
Austin McCann is one of our favorite youth ministry voices. He's a contributor for the ym360 Blog and writes his own excellent blog over at austinmccann.com. He wrote a post we ran across and really ejoyed. We think it offers a great take on a life-driven (instead of a program-driven) approach to building relationships.
Below we've posted an excerpt of Austin's post "A Different Way to Build Relationships with Your Students." Read the excerpt, then head over to Austin's blog to read the rest.
A Different Way to Build Relationships with Your Students, by Austin McCann
Building relationships with students is one of the most important things we do as student pastors and youth workers. Even though it’s an important part of our ministry it’s hard to do. Why? Because we are busy. Student ministry demands much more than just relationships with students.
There are talks to prepare, events to plan, leaders to train, parents to partner with, and meetings to attend. Unfortunately we cannot sacrifice these things and hangout with students all day. So on top of our already busy schedules we try and build relationships with students. There has to be a better way and I believe there is . . .
Click here to head over to Austin's blog and read the rest of "A Different Way To Build Relationships With Your Students."
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