A FREE Bible Study Lesson On God's Love
Our newest freebie is a Bible study lesson that looks at Paul's awesome words to the Ephesians in Ephesians 1:15-23.
The overview is pasted below. Check it out, and if you think it is something you can use, head on over to our Free Stuff page and download it.
Lesson Title: Life-Changing Love
Objective: The point of this lesson is for your students’ hearts to be gripped by the richness and depth of Christ’s love for us.
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 1:15-23
Overview: For many students, their spiritual lives are stale and routine. We need a consistent reminder of the Lord’s power, what Christ has done for us, and the richness of what He has called us to. In these nine verses, Paul rattles off what was one continuous, passionate sentence in the original Greek. It’s almost like he’s firing up the Ephesian church and calling them to remember the depth of Christ’s love and power. This lesson will equip you to do the same thing.
If you want to download this or anything else from our Free Stuff section, simply CLICK HERE.
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