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All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy
All Aboard The YM360 Plus Bus | A 52-week Youth Ministry Strategy
flashback friday (sep 14): this week's links from the youth ministry blogosphere

flashback friday (sep 14): this week's links from the youth ministry blogosphere

One of the things we are committed to at ym360 is Networking. Our vision for networking is connecting you to people and organizations doing awesome youth ministry.

Flashback Friday is a feature where we give you the run down of some of the awesome posts from the past week across youth ministry blogs. Consider it our way of keeping you connected with what is going on. 


This week's posts from the ym360 Blog

Posts From Other Awesome People

We search the Internet to bring you relevant information to help you be a better youth worker. Here are some links from posts we thought were pretty great.

Fav Read Of The Week:

  • Is It Time to Take Your Ministry Events to the Slaughterhouse? by Tim Peters. Man, I loved this post so much. It came on the heels of a conversation I had with a friend. We were talking about his church's super-full calendar and the feeling both of us shared that maybe this contributed the the generally low attendance for each of the dozens and dozens of events his church put on. Then I read Peters' post. It's solid stuff. I would advise you to read it and use it to evaluate your ministry calendar/strategy.


The Rest Of The Best:

That's all the links for this week. As always, have an awesome weekend . . . And THANK YOU for the chance to serve you as part of the ym360 community.


Previous article 5 Tips for Building Better Partnerships with Parents

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