flashback friday (july 29): this week's links from the youth ministry blogosphere
One of the things we are committed to at ym360 is Networking. Our vision for networking is connecting you to people and organizations doing awesome youth ministry. Flashback Friday is a feature where we give you the run down of all the awesome posts from the past week in the youth ministry blogosphere. Consider it our way of keeping you connected with what is going on.
This week's posts from the ym360 Blog
- VIDEO POST: An Awesome Bible For Your Students
- NEW!! "FOCUS: A 6-Lesson Study on the Book of Colossians"
- Youth Worker BOOST: Accepting Correction
- Youth Ministry Essentials: The PERSONAL Side Of Ministry Transitions
Posts From Other Awesome People
We search the Internet to bring you relevant information to help you be a better youth worker. Here are some links from posts we thought were pretty great.
- Doug Franklin--Great article from Doug Franklin entitled, "Taking your staff to the next level."
- Fuller Youth Institute--Gosh, I loved this article by Brad Griffin, entitled "How To Mess Kids Up." Can't recommend this one highly enough.
- ReYouthpastor--Another thought provoking post by Jeremy Zach, entitled "A Theology For Why Youth Ministry Matters."
- Jay Higham--"What Is Your Sabbath?" This post got my attention . . . Because, if I am honest, I don't really make time to take a true Sabbath, to speak of. Great points by Jay.
- Lars Rood--A "must read" article by the incomparable Lars Rood. "From Calling To Career: 13 Steps To Becoming A Youth Ministry Professional."
- Matt McGill--LOVED this post from Matt. Loved. It. You will too: "7 Ways To Be Despised By Your Students."
- Phil Bell--Man, I love it when Phil talks about this topic. He's so passionate about it! This is the second of two posts on Spoon-Feeding or Self-Feeding Youth Ministries. Read them both. They are great.
- Rethinking Youth Ministry--Brian passes along an AWESOME creative worship idea. (I love these from Brian. Always so cool.) Maybe this will work for you in your context.
- Youth Leaders Academy--We've posted similar posts to this one. And I think maybe Doug Fields wrote one on this subject, as well, earlier this year? (I read too many blog posts . . . ) But, I thought Rachel added some new thoughts to this important discussion. Def worth a read: "Dealing With Discouragement."
That's all the links for this week. As always, have an awesome weekend . . . And THANK YOU for the chance to serve you as part of the ym360 community.
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- As usual, we want to hear your thoughts. Any particular post catch your eyes? Make you think? Did you disagree with anything? Let us know! Your voice makes the ym360 community stronger.
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