Welcome to the battlefield! Even though we may not realize or even understand it, as we wake up every morning, go to school, participate in activities, hang out with our friends, and live our daily lives, there is a spiritual battle raging all around us. While none of us can see spiritual warfare with our eyes, this spiritual battle is very real, and the stakes are incredibly high. As followers of Jesus, we are a part of this battle every single day, but most don’t realize it, much less prepare for it. To be warriors, we must recognize this battle we are in, learn to put on our spiritual armor, and be ready to wield our one offensive weapon so that we can stand firm in our faith and overcome the enemy.

Warrior: Putting On The Whole Armor of God
WARRIOR: a four-session sermon series that will help your students better understand and be prepared for the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Students will learn that, as followers of Jesus, we are all warriors in a daily high stakes spiritual battle, but we can have confidence because Jesus has already won the war. In addition, they’ll learn to understand and utilize the different pieces of spiritual armor God has gifted us to fight this battle so that we can experience victory in Jesus.